Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you?

I’ve heard the word “hero” so many times. It was mainly used towards people who commit various heroic actions. For example, a policeman who rescues ordinary people from criminals is called a hero; a veteran who participated in war events is called a hero. Someone presents hero of the world Marvel (superhero from comics).

As for me, the notion of the hero is a bit different. Of course, I agree that all people seen in heroism are heroes. They deserve honor and respect. But I also believe that the real heroes are people whose deeds are not well-known. They risk their life every day to save other people.They are everyday heroes. For example, doctors.Since the times this profession has been introduced in the society, people respected and admired it. Doctors are people who provide the first aid when needed. Sometimes they work miracles.

My sister is a pediatrician.Pediatricians are important in any town and clinic.I call them multitasking doctors. They need to be experienced in many fields. They need to know the basics of surgery, neurology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, cardiology, immunology etc. My sister works in a hospital in Moscow and she is a good doctor. She serves her little patients. She is very compassionate towards the children and their parents.This profession requires great responsibility because doctors deal with the most precious things people have - their life and health.Sometimes my sister's working day continues even after she comes home from the hospital. Relatives, friends or neighbors often ask for medical advice or help. I am proud of my sister!

Summing up, I can say that hero for me is a person who does something socially useful and has positive inner world. And all this easily applies to my sister, which is why I think she is a true hero.