Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

I think this question has no definitive answer

To my opinion this is all up to you. Some researchers believe that slowing down the Internet can be a reason of acute stress reaction. Sweden scientists from Ericsson company conducted a study on the effects of Internet’s speed on the level of stress. In their view, slow Internet has an adverse effect on mental health of human. To prove they spent experiment with 20 volunteers. Scientists split volunteers into three groups and requested them to complete tasks at the time. There’s good and fast Internet connection in first group. Another groups had devices with poor Internet connection.

In second group delay of loading was more than 5 seconds; third group’s internet loading had delay more than 10 seconds. During an experiment scientists have been studying brain activity of participants. As far as they know slowing down the Internet provoke a stress like scary movies or disasters.

Let us think global. Slowing down the internet will make a lot of companies work slowly, online stores will be slowly, airport check-in probably will be slowly too.

Well… after all these thoughts, my answer is: first of all, of course it will increase stress, maybe even suicide, but just after some years we will be so calm, as we have never been.