Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Social networks: advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays it is quite difficult to imagine the modern world without computers, information technology, and the Internet because they have already taken a special place in every person life. Social networks are very popular. They have become the phenomenon of the last decade. Social networks are entertainment, the ability to just make friends or purposefully build social connections, find a job, or make money directly. We create accounts and visit our pages at least several times a week, or we are promoting other pages on social networks. However, scientists are increasingly concerned about the impact on humans of social networks. Like any phenomenon in our life, social networks have both advantages and disadvantages. I would still like to understand what is good or bad hidden in social networks.

Definitely, the advantages include many moments. Social networks provide an opportunity to communicate, keep in touch with friends, and make new acquaintances. Here you can read interesting books, learn foreign languages. Interest groups have been created on social networks, where you can find almost any information you are interested in. There is an opportunity to join a community on a certain topic and study any subject in details or discuss problematic issues with other members of the group. Social networks are a platform for business development. Here you can advertise your online store, web design studio or rock school. Advertising can be directed to a target audience and people who might be interested in the products or services you provide will find out about your business. You can find new customers and increase the loyalty of regular customers.

But due to the abundance of entertaining and unnecessary information, the time spent on the social network significantly increases, which distracts attention from study and work. One of the disadvantages obviously is that a person loses the skill of real communication, because used to online communication. It is believed that social networks form Internet addiction – a psychological disorder that can cause various complexes, for example, an inferiority complex. To prevent the child from acquiring such deviations, it is necessary to monitor how often he visits his pages and how much time he spends on social networks. Besides, it is assumed that some terrorist attacks in recent years were organized and coordinated through social networks.

Undoubtedly, social networks affect a person. It is necessary to correctly use the opportunities that are provided to us by the Internet. Social media can be very beneficial. But overusing them can lead to addiction, loss of focus, wasted time, alienation, and dullness. Social media is both good and bad. It is in our power to take only the good from them and weed out the bad. In order for social networks not to harm health and psyche, each person must regulate their pastime in the virtual space.