Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Romanticism in English literature: important figures and books

Romanticism is a movement that made social sciences like poetry its subject of interest. This movement was originated in North America and Europe. In addition, Romanticism is known for its reverence and interest in nature because nature can be a shelter from troubles, difficulties, and pains of life and individuals contemplate it individually. The romantic period includes the work of two generations of writers.

The first generation was born during the thirty and twenty years preceding 1800; the second generation was born in the last decade of the 1800s. The chief writers of the first generation were Wordsworth, Coleridge, Scott, Southey, Blake, Lamb, and Hazlitt. The essayist Thomas De Quincey, born in 1785, falls between the two generations. Keats and Shelley belong to the second generation, along with Byron, who was older than they were by a few years. All three were influenced by the work of the writers of the first generation and, ironically, the careers of all three were cut short by death so that the writers of the first generation were still on the literary scene after the writers of the second generation had disappeared. I suppose that romanticism is one of the important movements in literature.

Firstly, romantic poets are great worshipers of nature and have a great emotion toward it because nature is God's creation and can give them relief from their life owes. Another reason why Romantics were interested in nature is that the industrial revolution causes a lot of troubles for people and brought negative effects on nature and humans. This line means that the beauty of nature and solitude can give our minds great help to relax.

Secondly, Romantics were known for preferring solitude and discovering the mysteries of life individually over social life. They didn't want to live with society and pursuit its development because this development has lead to a lot of wars and destroyed nature and animals.

To sum up, Romanticism became a literary phenomenon in which the revolutionary spirit of man found a rich satisfaction, and discovered unexpected sources of emotional experience. And this creative spirit tried to realize imaginatively the mystery of life, the beauty of Nature, the intensity of love, the haunting spell of beauty and romance.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all literary movements are unique in their own way because each one presents the reader with a new thought to consider. No one can deny the role of romantic poets in enriching social sciences, especially literature and poetry.