Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Can you remember the last time you really laughed? What was the reason?

Perhaps the last funny moment that I had was when my family presented me a real tiny rabbit. It was cute and so fluffy that at first I decided it was a stuffed toy. I was laughing so hard when she – I called her Juju – started to run all over the bed. She was small and smart and I couldn’t stop giggling with pleasure. I taught her number of special tricks and she eagerly did them all. Of course she agreed to do those tricks in exchange for grass pellets or a slice of an apple. I still remember plenty of those moments with my dearest Juju and all of them make me really happy.

Another thing that made me burst with laughter was when I taught my brother how to swim and dive. It happened long time ago but the whole family still remembers. He tried to duck under water so hard but he never succeed. For some reason he couldn’t dive to the very bottom of the river, even though we both were in shallow water. Only his head could sink under the water, while the legs and the buttocks remained floundering on the surface. All of us almost cried with laughter.

And I have one more sweet memory. In the summer we were camping in the forest when my nephew asked if he could climb up the fir tree. We allowed him to do that and it was a real laugh! He climbed nearly two meters up the tree when we told him to stop and go down. And that was the time when the real fun began! Finally, we had to catch him and take all the fir needles and unknown bugs out of his clothes and hair. It needs no saying that he was over the moon!