Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If I Had a Million Dollars

If only I had a million dollars, I would spend this sum of money wisely. First of all, I would pay my debts. Secondly, I would buy a green dress and an electric scooter. And thirdly, I would invest this money in my business. Maybe it would be a real estate area or development of some new technologies. Business should be considered as generally beneficial so that I would not lose my money.

All the received funds I would break into small amounts and put them in my account in the bank. I mean all of money, except one part which I would spend on my own island somewhere by the warm ocean. I would build several two storied houses there, a little farm, a swimming pool, a café and a restaurant. At the main colonial mansion there would be a huge library with tons of nice books, an airy garret with a modern dining room, a spacious bedroom. I think the houses at my island might even be equipped with all the modern facilities, e.g. the smart house, high-speed internet. Automatic even at its finest. The island itself would be full of greenery.

And of course I would gain more education. I would enroll in some profitable courses and finish them successfully. I suppose I would put some money in the charity, too. If I were rich, I would help to raise money for medical expenses for people and animals in greater amounts than now. If I were rich, I would travel all over the world and visit beautiful places. I would see Lake Baikal and the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona. Of course, I would take my family with me. Finally, I would buy a corgi, a car and also a flat in Saint Petersburg (Russia), Norway and Spain.

Ps. That is quite interesting, but while doing this task and thinking of the ways to spend a million dollars and my dreams, I have figured out that I can easily be happy and make some of my wishes come true even now. There is no need in waiting for this mythical income. Thank you for this task ;)