Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My Lucky Charm.

People have always believed in the supernatural. When a person could not explain, for example, how lightning appears or what fire is, he invented deities who personify them, and people tried to bring them to life in the form of artistic, architectural, musical art. These ancient deities were the highest forces that helped a person if he lives by the rules, or angry if the rules were violated. Much time has passed since the birth of the first religions, but even in our modern age of technology, people do not give up their faith. Most people want to believe that some supernatural forces can help him. And faith really helps to overcome difficulties for a person, gives hope for the best. As a child I was also such a person and believed in my lucky talisman.

Once upon a time, when I was only 3 years old, my parents went to India. At this time I lived in the village with my grandmother. My mom and dad have never been abroad and therefore have bought so many different gifts and souvenirs for numerous relatives. But among them was for me a special gift that my mother gave me. It was a small ceramic pendant, very similar to an amphora. It was so small that I could safely wear it on a rope around my neck. I really liked him because no one had such a thing, but he also had a small peculiarity: he had a very unusual, pleasantly smelling white ointment inside. When my mother gave it to me, she said that it was an unusual ointment, and if I suddenly get sick, I just need to anoint a big place and the pain will go away. I was a very active boy, so bruises were not uncommon for me. And this ointment really helped me, although at first I didn’t even believe that surprised me even more, that it never ended, the talisman was very small, and I often used ointment, but it did not end, therefore I just could not believe in the power your lucky pendant. Unfortunately, when I was 10 years old, I lost it when swimming in the river, the thread on the suspension broke, and the suspension fell into the water. Mom then reassured me for a long time, promised to buy me a new one.

Now I'm an adult, and maybe it looks childish, but I still miss my lucky charm. He was really special to me, and helped make my childhood happier.