Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree with the statement: “Fear can prevent people from pursuing their dreams”

Every person has a dream, and sometimes even a few. But for its realization it is not enough to dream about it, you need to act, overcome obstacles and difficulties. After all, the path to the goal makes the dream so desirable. However, many, faced with the slightest difficulty, abandon the cherished intention. Fear is one of the reasons for a person to give up a dream. For example, a schoolboy dreamed of performing on stage, telling funny stories, dancing or singing songs, and now he enthusiastically begins preparing for a concert, preparing his costume, learning words, and on the special day when hundreds of people look at him he is mistaken. And after the concert, his classmates say that everything he did was bad, ugly, it would be better if he never did that. Maybe they say it out of envy, maybe not, but the result of such words is often sad: the boy gives up his dream, his heart is bound by fear...

Numerous examples of Russian and foreign classical literature vividly reflect the problem of the impossibility of realizing a cherished dream. Recall the famous novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The protagonist of the work dreamed of becoming a famous writer. And, it would seem, nothing prevented him from turning his thoughts into reality. However, the serious censorship policy of the state put an end to his career and all undertakings in literary work. The master could not realize the dream because of the inability to resist the state system. It was easier for him to give up, tie up with any writing activity and erase his dream forever from memory. He even burned his novel. If it were not for Margarita and Woland, the man would not have been able to get out of the insane asylum and complete the novel, because he lacked the strength to fight for his right to vote. Fear and cowardice prevented the hero from realizing his intention and finishing the work.

In summary, fear can really prevent you from realizing your dream. Only a strong will and confidence in their actions on the path to a dream can help a person find the strength and not stop at nothing to make his dreams come true.