Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If I Could Be Somebody Else for a Day.

In our 21st century, the Internet has long ceased to be the only means of searching and sharing scientific or near-scientific information; Currently, most of the Internet is occupied by the stories and lives of people: writers, actors, directors, scientists, teachers, bloggers and hundreds of thousands of others. We are interested to look at them, find out what they think, what they like to do, what they eat and where they live. Sometimes because of envy, sometimes in search of inspiration, and sometimes we just see in them an ideal or even a soul mate.

I thought more than once about what I would do if I could be someone else for one day. Who will I be and what will I do? My wishes are probably very simple and trivial, without any details, and probably many have this dream. I just would like to be a rich man, but first of all not for myself. Therefore, if I accidentally won the lottery, I would first of all participate in charity to help sick children from these countries. This is the most important act on my to-do list if I were rich.

Secondly, I would donate a large amount of money to improve the education system in my country. I believe that a good education stimulates economic growth and helps people become better.

My third wish is to build a democratic animal shelter where they will feed and care for all street dogs and cats. I want them to feel free and run, and not keep in strict cages.

Yes, this is probably a lot of cases for one day. But these are my dreams, so even if for one day I had the chance to realize them and I would not have lost even a minute in vain and spent all the time and spent all the money with benefit. Otherwise, I just do not see the point of being incredibly rich. Even for just one day.