Автор Анна Евкова
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Специфика перевода рекламного текста (как пример оперативного текста):перевод или интерпретация?



This work is devoted to the specifics of the translation of advertising text. For a long time, translation has been fulfilling an important social function, making interlanguage communication possible. The first translators in prehistoric times were people who for one reason or another turned out to be among strangers and became bilingual by necessity. In Russian, the word translation comes from the verb “to explain” - to interpret, that is, to act as a link in human communication between speakers of different languages. Translator - "tolmach". In English – «interpreter».

Today, the social function of translation includes various components, and in a broad sense, advertising texts in modern society perform is an important communicative function. No wonder they say - “advertising is the engine of progress” in the conditions of the free market of goods and ideas.

The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation to transfer the communicative function of the original, since knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extralinguistic realities is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation.

Suppliers and manufacturers of a product are doing everything possible to attract as many consumers as possible. For this, advertising appears on the screens of our television, on the radio, and it also appears in the form of advertising brochures, texts and slogans. Often, advertising brochures of a product or service are in the original language, and from this we can talk about the feasibility and relevance of creating a more or less unified strategy and concept of translating this kind of text.

As a result of research, various authors came to the general conclusion that, due to its specifics, an advertising brochure or advertising text should never be translated literally, since in this case it may lose its meaning and effect. When we translate advertising brochures into other languages, one should take into account the ethical, psychological and personal characteristics of the audience and the consumer, the specifics and culture of the country for which this brochure is intended.

Translation of advertising text is very different from the translation of fiction, in which the translator is obliged to convey the artistic and aesthetic advantages of the original, somewhat different in form, language means, as well as a pronounced communicative orientation. In the process of translating such texts, the translator has to solve both purely linguistic, linguistic problems caused by differences in the semantic structure and features of the using of two languages ​​in the communication process, and problems of sociolinguistic text adaptation.

One of the main features of the translation of advertising texts is expressed in the meaningful relationship between the original and the translation, as well as in the transmission of the sociolinguistic aspects of the translated text. In order to achieve adequacy, it is often necessary to adapt both, the content of the text and its form, which is often of a compromise nature. Many features of translation are associated with the specifics of languages ​​(English or Russian), i.e. the language to which (from which) the translation is made. For example, in the process of translation, the negation can be replaced by approval, which in turn also has an inverse function, such pure techniques as calculating, compensation for lexical losses, replacing the pledge from active to passive and vice versa, as well as transferring phraseological units to their semantic equivalents can be used. etc.

The topic of this work seems is to be relevant, as with the development of information technology, the rapid expansion of translation activities of exactly the linguistic direction began. Due to qualitative and quantitative changes in translation activities, as well as scientific developments, an informative translation came to the fore, in which the features of the individual-author's style are not so significant. All these changes are directly related to advertising texts, which by their significance in the global information process, today are compared with news texts in the media.

The study of the translation process as a definite relationship between languages ​​prompted the well-known translation expert Komissarov Vilen Naumovich in his work “Word of Translation”, to think: “It was necessary to find out what the linguistic essence of this process is, to what extent it is determined by the linguistic factors proper ...”. These reflections are directly related to the present study, because we are interested in the communicative function of translating advertising texts, and not in the artistic and substantive one.

The purpose of this work is to identify some of the problems associated with the translation of advertising texts from English into Russian, as well as try to find some ways to resolve them, as well as to study the stylistic and genre features of advertising texts in English.

The subject of the study was texts of Russian and English advertising. The choice of English advertising texts as a material is due to the enormous role played by English-language media texts in the global information space.

The research method in this work used such research methods as the study and analysis of scientific literature on this topic, the study and synthesis of domestic and foreign practice of using advertising texts, as well as a comparative analysis of advertising texts in English with their Russian equivalent.

The object of the study of this work is advertising texts in English, with rhetorical features of English-language advertising, which have a decisive influence on the structuring of the text of advertising, its content and linguistic expression.

The hypothesis of our research is the assumption that if you study well the stylistic and genre features of English advertising texts, then there is the possibility of using them competently and selecting them among many other advertising texts found in the media.

Meanwhile, the study of media texts in general and English media texts in particular has a long tradition; the number of works devoted to the study and study of advertising, and especially English-language advertising, is large enough, which, incidentally, is not surprising, since it is English-language advertising, like other types of media texts in English, occupy a leading position in the global information flow, as in terms of volume, so in terms of influence.

Therefore, the topic of this work is sufficiently relevant. The study is relevant not only because of the high prevalence of this phenomenon, but also taking into account its importance for reflecting the surrounding reality in language and speech. In addition, such studies are important for the development of advertising science, and to improve advertising education.

From a functional point of view, advertising texts most fully combine in themselves the realization of two impact functions. This is a language impact function implemented using the entire arsenal of linguistic means of expressiveness, and a mass communication function implemented using special media technologies specific to a particular media, for example: using color in print, font and visual design.

The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that, although advertising has long been the object of close attention of scholars of various specialties, it is still poorly understood from the point of view of the provisions of modern linguistics. At the same time, we have to admit that the recent political and economic changes in our country require careful study of this type of speech communication, which has long been an integral component of the political process in the West.

The study is relevant not only because of the high prevalence of this phenomenon, but also taking into account its importance for reflecting the surrounding reality in language and speech. In addition, such studies are important for the development of advertising science, and to improve advertising education.

This work consists of an introduction, which indicates the purpose of the research, tasks and methods to achieve the stated goal, as well as the theoretical part, which will consider both the concept of advertising texts and their classification, as well as their stylistic features, knowledge of which helps to effectively convey advertising text by means of another language. In addition, the most common problems associated with the translation of advertising text into another language will be given. The practical part of this work consists of examples of English advertising messages, their translation and comparative analysis of relevant texts, taking into account the following theory.

The practical significance of the study consists in the possibility of using the findings and observations in the courses of theoretical and practical stylistics, text linguistics, practice of speaking English, as well as in the development of advertising texts.

Chapter 1. The concept of "advertising text"

1.1.1 Definition of advertising. Advertising text style

Most researchers adhere to the following definition of advertising text. Advertising text is any form of non-personal representation and promotion of ideas, goods and services, the purpose of which is to exert an influence on the reader in the direction of changing or securing his attitude to the advertised object. Advertising is not just an announcement, notice, introduction, reminder, but also a meaning of attracting attention, creating image and fame. The advertising process is mainly aimed at the formation and consolidation in the consciousness of the addressee of stable stereotypes of lifestyles, thinking, morality and ethics, which is an integral part of the formation of public consciousness.

The advertising text contains: title (slogan), introduction, main part and end. The main elements of advertising texts both on billboards and in leaflets are text and image, through which advertising brings a certain idea, information to a person. The text expresses the essence of the sentence, and the image complements it visually, without in any way repeating its content.

The advertising text consists of three main elements that are almost always used in advertising:

- title;

- main text;

- advertising slogan, slogan

The title draws attention to the text, interests the buyer. The title is the core of advertising and the strongest message to the buyer. Therefore, you need to try to make the title powerful in terms of impact and clear in meaning.

The main text fulfills the promises of the title. The text is the most important part of most advertising media. He reveals the main content of the advertising message. The advertising text attracts the attention of a potential buyer with its appearance, heading, explains it with interest and convinces with the conclusion to buy the proposed product. Highlighted words with high advertising value, emotions create an image.

Basically, ordinary words and short sentences are used, the meaning of which can be understood by any person. The use of technical terms is also avoided.

The verbal part of the advertising text, the so-called slogan (in the English version of the tagline) carries a large functional load. The slogan, in varying degrees, repeats the main advertising argument, in addition, it gives the advertising text completeness. As a rule, in the final slogan sounds the name of the advertised brand or product in combination with a memorable expression.

1.1.2 Classification of advertising texts

There are several types of text advertising messages:

- informational;

- reminding;

- inspiring, persuasive or exhortative

Informational advertising is a story about a novelty or a new application of an existing product; message about the change in its price; description of the principles of action of the goods; list of services, etc. Such advertising prevails at the stage of launching goods to the market, when the task is to create primary demand.

Reminiscent advertising - aims to maintain the image of the goods in the memory of consumers, a reminder of the class of goods and about where, when and under what conditions the goods can be purchased, and also that the goods may be needed in the near future.

An encouraging advertisement or differentiating one, the purpose of which is to form a selective attitude towards a certain brand of goods, creating an image of a product that can have its own characteristics and characteristics that distinguish it from all similar ones.

Informational texts should be simple and concise. Reminding - brief. Encouraging and persuasive texts should contain multiple repetition of the product name and in an emotional form focus on the merits of the product.

Also among the many classifications of advertising texts there are three of the most traditional, based on the following criteria:

* advertised object;

* the target audience;

* Media advertising media.

The main elements of advertising texts both on billboards and in leaflets are text and image, through which advertising brings a certain idea, information to a person. The text expresses the essence of the sentence, and the image complements it visually, without in any way repeating its content.

Linguists also distinguish advertising texts depending on which information channels and senses are involved: vision in the process of written communication or imaginative representations, hearing and vision that assimilates verbally and figuratively expressed meaning, and hearing at the same time (which does not exclude the presence of transitional or synthetic forms).

1. Verbal communicative type - the word is the main meanining of communication, and the form of communication - the written one.

2. Verbal-visual communicative type - word semantics, supplemented by a visualized component. The essential feature of this type is that the nature of a rational or emotional representation in the first type is determined only by the features of the denotation, while visualizing the meaning, the imagery of the representation is also achieved due to its visibility and visuality.

3. Audio-verbal communicative type - in this case is complicated by the text structure, namely speaking and listening. This type of advertising communication is closest to the classical idea of ​​the act of communication as such. No wonder radio advertising is regarded as the most personal - and personal - form of advertising appeal.

4. Multimedia communicative type (audio-verbal-visual) - in this type, a mobile video sequence is added to the reserves previously available, various attention zones are created, which makes it possible to complicate the text structure of this type as much as possible.

1.1.3 Advertised object

This classification is based on the systematization of various groups of advertised items, such as: cosmetics, clothing, cars, etc., which allows us to define the conceptual structure of modern advertising.

Thematic analysis of advertising shows that the most frequently advertised products include items of cosmetics and perfumery, food and medicines, household appliances, clothing, cars. We can say that this set is universal for the advertising market of any country. At the same time, despite the general process of globalization of the advertising market, the thematic structure of advertising is culture-specific: the content of advertising in each individual country is characterized by a number of noticeable differences, reflecting the peculiarities of social development. One of the illustrations of this provision may be the gradual ousting of alcohol and tobacco advertisements from the Western countries as harmful to their health. Thus, in accordance with the decision of the British government, by the end of 2000, cigarette advertising in the UK was completely banned, so familiar to the Russian consumer and bringing considerable income, both to producer companies and the media.

In Russia, the majority of advertisers are foreign companies. And many are faced with the problem of translating a long source phrase and its adaptation in Russian. The reason is obviously in the typological differences between Russian and English.

"As you know, English is an analytical language. Russian is synthetic." This means that the meaning of a phrase, which in English is expressed through changes in the formal characteristics of words, is conveyed in Russian through a combination of meanings of several words. When translating English-language advertising texts, in some cases Russian translators do not translate the text, but give its “semantic equivalent”. For example,

Maybe she's born with it,

Maybe it's Maybelline

Everyone is delighted with you,

And you - from "Meybellin"

The text of the advertising campaign whiskey "Johnny Walker - taste life” in English literally sounded like - "try life to taste", it was translated into Russian as - "Live, so that was something to remember." This is a typical example of a pragmatic adaptation of the text.

The subject of advertising also has a significant impact on the style of the advertising text. The advertising text tries to convey the properties of the advertised product, both with the help of images and with the help of language, for example, the style of advertising of expensive perfumes, as a rule, is refined and expressive:

'M' is for moments you'll never forget?

For days marvelous with flowers and laughter.

For nights magical with means and old promises.

`M' Fragrances by Henry C. Miner.

It's Magic;

Car advertising style aims to recreate the impression of speed and efficiency:

Its sleek, sporty styling shows a careful attention to aerodynamics. Low-slanting hood. Sharp high-tipped rear end. Air-clam front spoiler. And a wedge shape that slices air cleanly--all of which adds up to better fuel economy.

And the style of advertising of such a famous product as Earl Gray tea is to create a special atmosphere of refined comfort:

Earl Grey Tea

Reminiscent of the warm nature

Scents of a far-away summer evening

With a tantalizing taste and delicately

Scented in a secret way described by

A Chinese mandarin many years ago.

Much to the satisfaction of its many

Admirers Twinings share the secret.

At is most refreshing served

Straight with only a sliver of lemon.

In this regard, there are advertising texts, which include elements of an interjection, onoperable nature:

Lemonade "Merinda": M-E-R-I-N-D-A - A - A - A ...

Sheweps: S-H-S-H-E-W-E-P-S…

M - m - m - m "Danone"

1.1.4 Target audience

Advertising texts are also divided depending on the focus on a specific audience: adolescents, young women, business people, etc.

The focus of advertising text on the target audience is closely interrelated with the object of advertising: for example, advertising focused on young wealthy women focuses mainly on items of expensive cosmetics, parfume, fashionable clothes. The focus of advertising also affects the language and style of the advertising message. So, advertising of cosmetics and parfume for women in most cases is characterized by a refined style, replete with specific phrases and other means of expressiveness, which gives the text a very special sound, a unique tone of voice, even when it comes to advertising in the press, for example:

Inside this jar you'll find a radiantly glowing skin,

naturally-blushed cheeks, wondrous eyes and color-kissed lips.

Suddenly your skin has a radiant sun-kissed glow.


The infinite, endless, limitless possibilities of lips and

nails. With Evette. Loads of colors for luscious lips.

Nearly as many for mails.

Such a huge choice - and such a small coast.

Means you can afford to try them all.

Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic.

Experiment, but still economize.

Be bold and be beautiful - but don't break the bank.

That's a special mouth and fingertip. From Evette

Evette. That's the beauty of Woolworth.

1.1.5 Media advertising

The next way to systematize advertising texts is the classification by media advertising medium.

Here are they:

* print (in newspapers and magazines),

* television,

* radio advertising

* on the Internet.

This classification allows you to focus on the actual media properties of the advertising text, naturally reflecting those of its features, which are due to the special characteristics of a particular media. Thus, television advertising is, first of all, a memorable video plot or a vivid visual image, accompanied by minimal verbal text, often resulting in a brief advertising slogan. In the Russian-speaking environment, most often successfully exist those untranslatable slogans that contain words from the minimal vocabulary of foreign words of the average high school student. This factor is largely due to the successful introduction of such foreign untranslatable slogans in the Russian market as:

Sport gear from Nike - Just do it.

Sony - It's a Sony

Panasonic Company - ... from Panasonic.

Absolut vodka campaign - Absolut Moscow, Absolut autumn, Absolut spring.

From the above classification it can be concluded that the features inherent in each group must be considered when translating, because the translation itself depends on the correct understanding of the category of the advertising text by the translator.

1.2 Stylistic features of advertising texts

Common features of all advertising texts include:

* specific selection of vocabulary, low-frequency words;

* words often stylistically colored

* multiple use of idioms and quotes to create imagery.

* call for action with imperative

* extensive use of personal and possessive pronouns

* use of nominative sentences

* reception of parallelism and repetition

* a wide range of adjectives and adverbs

1.2.1 Creating imagery

Idioms (phraseological units with a completely rethought meaning, having syntactic integrity) help to create an image that is the central means of influencing the recipient. In the perception of the advertising text, the main thing is a reaction to the image, which will remain in the memory of the perceiver. The main purpose of the language of advertising is the ability to make an impression, leave a vivid emotional trace about the text. It is the imagery and impressiveness that are the basis of advertising, and the ways to create these characteristics of advertising texts. One of the means of impression is the use of low-frequency words.

Imagery is also created by the semantics of words, from what emotions they are associated with. The strongest feeling is fear, and due to the amplifiers - awfully, terribly creates a strong impression of the phrase.

The semantic-communicative task of the text of an advertisement is a call to action, which leads to a predominant use of the verb (in the form of an imperative) compared to other parts of speech. Also used is the design of a joint invitation - let –“ Let's make things better” (famous Philips advertising slogan)

It is important to use semantically correctly the verb with the most accurate meaning in order to leave a vivid impression of what was said.

While mums and dads will enjoy the chance to unwind and soak up the sun

To unwind - to begin to relax after a period of work or tension

To soak up - to absorb something into the senses or the mind

The study of English advertising texts shows that the most frequently used verbs in the imperative include the following: buy, try, ask, get, see, call, feel, taste, watch, smell, find, listen, drive, let, look, drink, do, discover, start, enjoy.

For example:

Give your lips a double infusion of color. (Estee Louder).

1.2.2 Using of personal and possessive pronouns

Translators of English-language advertising, pay attention to the special nature of the use of personal and possessive pronouns in advertising texts.

The convincing tone of the advertising appeal (which is also characteristic of the texts of Russian advertising) is often based on the consistent application of the following communicative model: "We, our" - to designate an advertiser, "you, your" - to appeal to a potential buyer and "they, their" for reference to possible competitors, for example:

“Whenever you wish to make more than just a small move, include the West LB in your plans. We appreciate global thinking and, as one of Europe's leading banks, we have both goals - with you. Established as a German wholesale bank, we offer you all services from one source, made to measure reliable and if you like, worldwide.” (bank advertisement)

“Your own car. Your own phone. Your own place. Your dad's insurance?” (Nationwide Insurance).

1.2.3 Nominative sentences

Widespread in terms of use in advertising texts are nominative sentences. In its communicative function, the nominative sentence is a statement of the presence of the object or phenomenon called in the sentence. The main task of the advertising text is to attract the attention of the audience to a particular product, product, object or event through a relatively short message. The fulfillment of this task corresponds to the conciseness and expressiveness of the nominative sentences, which causes their frequent use in advertising texts.

Especially characteristic of advertising texts is the design in the form of a nominative sentence of the name of the product, company or brand that produces the product. For example:

1. The Pasha Cronograph. The Art of Being Unique.

2. American Tank Watch. The Art of Being Unique

These advertising messages consist of two nominative offers, the first of which represents the name of the advertised watch brand. These advertising texts, despite their brevity, are very vivid and memorable thanks to the introduction of the name of the goods in a separate offer and a rather unconventional graphic design.

1.2.4 Concurrency and Repeat Techniques

A stylistic method of parallelism is popular among creators of advertising texts.

As parallel constructions, not only nominative sentences, but also other sentences of incomplete constructions can act, for example:

Across oceans.

Across industries.

Across hallways.

Notes is working.

The stylistic effectiveness of this technique is to create a certain rhythmic structure of the text, which helps its clearer perception.

A fairly common stylistic technique is replay. The repetition of the speech element, attracting the attention of the reader (listener) to it, emphasizes its significance, enhances the emotional impact of the text. The use of this stylistic technique requires special skill from text writers: a relatively small amount of advertising text requires rational use of language means. The most typical type of replay for an advertising text is a frame (a type of repetition in which the element standing at the beginning of a speech segment is repeated at its end, occupying the most expressive syntactic segments). The repetition of the same word or sentence not only attracts the attention of the reader (or listener) to the element being repeated, but also adds new shades to its content. The stylistic meaning of repetition is to enhance the semantic weight of the repeated part of the text.

In the insurance company advertising below, the persistent repetition of the word promise and the design to keep (our, their) promise emphasizes the reliability of the company that keeps its promises:

A promise that puppy kisses are the very best kind. For now, anyway.

A promise to teach you that the more love you give, the more love you get.

A promise that in some way I'll always be behind you.

Nothing binds us one to the other like a promise kept. For more than 140 years, we've been helping people to keep their promise by ensuring we have the financial strength to keep ours. That's why families and business rely on us to ensure their lives, their health and their financial future. Mass Mutual. We help you keep your promises.

1.2.5 Using of adjectives and adverbs

In the process of translating advertising texts, adjectives and adverbs are used to describe the various properties of the advertised product - the shape, size, quality, cost, and sensations that this product evokes. The most common adjectives in English-language advertising include: natural, sensual, innocent, passionate, romantic, mysterious, etc. In Russian - new, new, first, revolutionary, difficult, unusual, unlike ordinary, etc.

As well as in Russian advertising, the most used adjectives in English-language advertising include: good, better, best, free, fresh, delicious, full, clean, wonderful, special, fine, big, real, easy, bright, extra , rich, gold. Often there are adjectives that indicate the authenticity of the trademark - genuine, authentic and original. But perhaps the record for frequency in the English-language advertising uses the adjective new - it can be found in almost every second advertising text, for example:

New LAST OUT extra extending mascara with a new advanced protein formula; An astonishing new way to streamline the curve: Estee Lauder invents Thighzone;

The new truth for sensitive skin: Estee Lauder invents Verite;

Striking new color arrangements captured in color transparencies;

Spring whispers. But the message is clear. Lancome.

Chapter Conclusions

Summing up the first chapter, we can draw the following conclusions: there are several classifications of advertising texts and depending on which group we belong to this advertising message, will depend on how it will be translated into Russian and how it will later be perceived by the recipient. In order to properly translate, one should take into account such stylistic features of advertising texts as creating figurativeness and impressiveness to form a more memorable image, using a verb in the form of an imperative and nominative sentences in order to make the advertising text bright and interesting with the help of laconic incentive sentences. Also common are the techniques of parallelism and replay, which give it a stylistic effect and enhance the emotional impact of the text. In turn, adjectives and adverbs help to create a certain tone of advertising appeal, which allows you to convey the quality and dignity of the advertised item. Thus, when translating an advertising message, all the above factors should be taken into account in order for the advertising text to adequately reflect the manufacturer’s intention and produce a proper effect on the buyer.

Chapter 2. The concept of translation.

2.1 Definition of translation

D.E. Rosenthal: “Translation is the transmission of the content of an oral statement or a written text by means of another language”. Translation is a complex and multifaceted type of human activity. In the process of translation, it is not just the replacement of one language by another, the translation encounters different cultures, different personalities, different thinking styles, different traditions and attitudes. Different aspects of translation can be studied in the relevant sciences. Today there are many definitions of the concept of translation.

First, the translation is a reflection of the original. The more truly, the more complete this reflection, the higher the quality of translation.

Secondly, translation is a difficult and productive creative process in which all the spiritual forces of a person participate: intellect, intuition, emotions, imagination, will, memory. This is a kind of creative process, as a result of which a translation work is created.

Different linguists have different approaches to the definition of the term "translation". A. V. Fedorov gives him a definition in terms of a special type of human activity and its result:

1. a process that takes place in the form of a mental act, which consists in the fact that a speech work (text or oral statement) that has arisen in one - the source - language (FL) is recreated in another - a translating language;

2. The result of this process, i.e. V.N. Komissarov proposes the following definition of translation: “Translation is a type of language mediation, in which a text is created in another language, intended for the full replacement of the original, as the same communicative equivalent to the latter.”

V.N. Komissarov connects the most important aspects of the translation with the language.

1. “Translation is necessary because people speak not one, but in many languages ​​... Translation is a rather complicated means of overcoming language barriers ...”

2. “The main difficulties faced by the translator are also related to the peculiarities of languages ​​and the ways in which they describe situations ...”

3. “. ... language factors not only create difficulties for translation, but also create conditions for overcoming them. Although each language is unique, the structure and use of all languages ​​is based on the same principle, which makes it possible to correlate them in the translation process. ”

E. V. Breus: “Translation is an act of interlanguage communication. When translating, there is not only contact between the spirit of languages, but also the contact of two cultures. ”

After reading the definitions from different sources, we came to the conclusion that, in principle, all definitions of translation are similar, but linguists understand the quality of translation differently. The dispute is about the equivalence of translated units and the level of equivalence between the texts of FY and PJ.

In the most brief and general form, the definition of translation as a result of translation activity can be formulated as follows: translation is an analogue of the original.

2.2 Translation Transformations

The main goal of the translation is to achieve adequacy. Adequate, or, as it is also called, equivalent translation, is such a translation that is carried out at a level necessary and sufficient for the transfer of an unchanged plan of content while respecting the corresponding plan of expression, i.e. norms of the translating language. The main task of a translator when achieving adequacy is to skillfully perform various translation transformations so that the translation text transmits as accurately as possible all the information contained in the original text, while observing the relevant standards of the translation language.

Transformation is the basis of most translation techniques. It consists in changing the formal (lexical or grammatical transformations) or semantic (semantic transformations) components of the source text while preserving the information intended for transmission. Y. I. Retzker defines transformations as "methods of logical thinking, with the help of which we reveal the meaning of a foreign language word in context and find the Russian correspondence that does not coincide with the dictionary word".

Currently, there are many classifications of translational transformations (hereinafter PT) proposed by various authors. L.K. Latyshev, V.N. Komissarov, Y..I. Retzker subdivide the PT into lexical, grammatical and stylistic.

Lexical transformations are applied when translating if the source text contains a non-standard language unit at the word level, for example, some proper name, which is inherent in the original language culture and is absent in the translation language; a term in a particular professional area; words denoting objects, phenomena and concepts characteristic of the original culture or for the traditional naming of elements of the third culture, but missing or having a different structural and functional order in the translation culture. Such words occupy a very important place in the translation process, since, being relatively independent of the context, they, nevertheless, give the translated text a different focus, depending on the choice of translator.

To lexical methods of translation are usually attributed:

1. transcription and transliteration;

2. tracing;

3. lexico-semantic substitutions;

4. specification;

5. generalization;

6. modulation or semantic development.

Translation transcription is a formal phonetic re-creation of the original lexical unit with the help of phonemes of the translating language, a phonetic imitation of the original word. Another method of translation is transliteration - a formal letter-by-letter re-creation of the original lexical unit using the alphabet of the translating language, a literal imitation of the form of the original word. At the same time, the source word in the translated text is presented in a form adapted to the pronunciation characteristics of the translating language, for example:

AFRICA - Africa

MEXICO- Mexico

Along with translation transliteration, language is sometimes used for language units that have no direct correspondence in the translation language.

Calculating is the reproduction of not a sound, but a combinatorial composition of a word or phrase, when the constituent parts of a word (morpheme) or phrase (lexeme) are translated with the corresponding elements of the translation language. Calculating as a translation technique served as the basis for a large number of various kinds of borrowing in intercultural communication in cases where transliteration was unacceptable for some reason. However, tracing as PT is less common than transcription or transliteration. Terms, widely used words and phrases are usually subject to scaling:

Winter Palace - Winter Palace

White House - White House

Unlike transcription, tracing is not always a simple mechanical operation of transferring the original form into a translating language; often have to resort to some transformations. First of all it concerns the change of case forms, the number of words in a phrase, affixes, word order, morphological or syntactic status of words.

Lexico-semantic substitutions are a method of translating the lexical units of a foreign language by using units of the language of translation that do not coincide in meaning with the initial ones, but can be derived logically.

Turkey. Unlimited. - Turkey. All inclusive.

Concretization is a translation method in which the replacement of a word or phrase of a foreign language with a broader subject-logical meaning with a word in a translation with a narrower meaning.

Best enjoyed slowly - Relax without fuss.

Generalization is a lexico-semantic replacement of a unit of the source language that has a narrower meaning, a unit of the translation language with a broader meaning. Most often, generalization is due to a pragmatic factor.

He comes over and visits me practically every weekend. - He often comes to me, almost every week.

This newspaper makes a feature of tourism. - In this newspaper, tourism is given a prominent place.

Sense development, as a technique, is to replace vocabulary correspondence when translated with contextual, logically related. This includes various metaphoric and metonymic substitutions made on the basis of the mating category.

Modulation or semantic development is the replacement of a word or phrase of a foreign language, the meanings of which can be inferred from the initial value by logical means:

Someone See for Yourself! - Make sure yourself!

The most frequent, lexical and grammatical transformation in the translation of advertising slogans is the transformation of the permutation. V.N. Komissarov defines this technique as the movement of lexical units in a statement, allowing to use the closest match to the word of the original in another place of the statement, if for any reason (and most often due to lexical compatibility of words in TL) it cannot be used there where it stands in the original. In other words, a permutation implies a change in the order of the linguistic elements in the text of the translation, compared with the original text. Such language elements can be both words, phrases and parts of a complex sentence, as well as independent sentences in the form of text. Most often, the permutation is subjected to the order of words and phrases, which can be explained by the different order of words in Russian and English.

The reception of the permutation is illustrated by the McDonalds company slogan:

Am. I'm lovin 'it. - Here is what I like.

I love NY! - New York, I love you!

Grammatical transformations:

1. syntactic comparison;

2. the division of the proposal;

3. consolidation of proposals;

4. pure grammatical substitutions;

5. antonymic translation;

6. explication or descriptive translation;

7. compensation.

Imagine the most frequent grammatical transformations when translating advertising text:

Syntactic assimilation or literal translation is a translation in which the syntactic structure of the original is transformed into an absolutely similar structure of the translated language.

It's your world! - This is your world!

The antonymic translation is a lexical transformation, in which the replacement of an affirmative form in the original with a negative form in translation or, conversely, with a negative one in the affirmative, is accompanied by a replacement of the lexical unit of IL by one unit of the opposite meaning.

Colombia: The Only Risk is Wanting to Stay. -Colombia. There is only one risk - I don’t want to leave.

Explication or descriptive translation is a lexical-grammatical transformation, in which the lexical unit of the IL is replaced by a phrase expressing its meaning, i.e. giving more or less complete explanation or definition of this value on the PC. Using explication, you can convey the meaning of any non-equivalent word in the original.

AtHampton, weLoveHavingYouHere. - While you are in Hampton, we care about you.

L.S. Barkhudarov identified the following types of transformations:

- permutations;

- replacements;

- addition - a translational transformation that requires the distribution of any FIA language rolled out from the point of view of a translator (without any meaningful additions).

- omission implies ignoring in the process of translation some semantically redundant words that do not carry important semantic meaning, and their meaning is fully restored in translation.

Chapter 3. Problems of translation of advertising texts.

The main criteria for understanding the characteristics of an advertising sublanguage is the ability to correctly perceive and adequately translate advertising texts and brand names. As you know, there are several basic approaches to understanding translation equivalence.

First, the concept of formal conformity, when everything that can be transmitted is transmitted, up to the structure of the source text. This principle applies only to transcribing or transliterating brand names, but not for translating slogans.

Secondly, the concept of normative and substantive conformity, when equivalence appears as a balance of the exact transfer of elements of the source text content and compliance with the norms of the translating language.

For advertising texts, the normative nature of language means is, of course, desirable, but not a supertask. Therefore, the more complete the translation conveys the emotional message laid down by the creator of the advertisement in the text, the more qualitative it can be considered.

The most effective is the task of translating an advertising message in accordance with the concept of dynamic (functional) equivalence. The concept of dynamic equivalence was introduced into linguistics by an American scientist Y. Naida, who proposed “not to establish the full value of the translation by comparing the source text with the text of the translation, but by comparing the response of the recipient of the translated text and the recipient of the text in the source language”.

To translate the brand name at first glance may seem the least problematic task. There are generally accepted methods of transcription and transliteration of foreign words (although the second method is used at the present stage quite rarely). However, one should not forget about such an important phenomenon as foreign language homonymy.

In the modern world, the task of translating advertisements in the usual sense is never put, because the originality of advertising texts makes them often difficult to translate, while translating, the brightness and emotionality of advertising is lost, and, moreover, the mechanism of the communicative psychological impact of advertising messages is destroyed. In order for the advertising text to fulfill its communicative function, it is not enough to translate it, it must be included in the cultural environment of the translation language. Selection of the characteristic features of the language of advertising, understanding their impact on the rational and emotional areas of the recipient's consciousness and then eliminating the linguistic and the cultural-ethnic barrier between communicators - these are the stages of the process of equivalent translation of advertising texts. In this case, the specialist is faced with a difficult task - predicting the linguistic and ethnic response of an ordinary consumer of advertising to the text of a message in the target language. This forecast is based on the translator’s knowledge of the characteristics of national psychology, differences in cultural and historical traditions, knowledge of the realities, knowledge of the source language and the translating language. Otherwise, the result can be quite comical or in some cases even offensive. The world famous automobile company Ford can "boast" of great experience in this matter. For example, the «Fierra» is an inexpensive truck designed for developing countries that sold poorly in Latin America. The fact is that the Spanish “fierra” means "old woman".

The well-known Bulgarian translator S. Florin in his book “Flour translation” describes this phenomenon: “What to do, for example, when the correct transcription of a foreign language name turns out to be a homonym of a vulgar, indecent or just comical word in the target language? Here it’s not a matter of “euphemism”, but the fact that it can give a parody, caricature character to a serious or deeply lyrical character of the translated work ”.

This caution is especially important for advertising texts. It is impossible to hope for the success of an advertising campaign if the name of a brand or an individual product will evoke responses from the media of one or another language to which the manufacturer has not relied. Perhaps the consumer will have any positive associations with the product, which the manufacturer did not expect. However, much more often we meet with opposite situations.

The translator, in addition to understanding the spirit of a particular trademark, and, of course, a good command of the source text language, must have the ability to foresee the communicative effect of the advertising message in the target language. L.K. Latyshev writes about it this way: "Subtracting moments from his individual reaction to the original message due to personal convictions, attitudes, tastes, personal life experience, the translator receives a linguistic-ethnic reaction, which, due to his high language competence, is very close to averaged linguistic collective response. "

“Mars”, bringing its well-known “M & M's” trademark to the French market, faced the following difficulties. Neither the & (and) sign, nor the end of `s plural in French is present. Any English learner, not to mention a translator, is familiar with these phenomena and will respond adequately to such a trademark. However, this is exactly the case when the translator should “deduct” from his reaction the fact of mastering the original language. Therefore, it was decided to launch a massive advertising campaign in order to “teach” the French consumer to pronounce the name of the product, that is, to convey the sound of “M & M's” in English with the sounds of the native language.

The advertising text excludes a literal translation, as in this case it may lose the meaning and power of its impact. For example, in Latin America, sales of tickets for AmericanAirlines flights fell sharply after the airline installed genuine leather seats in the cabin, which was the reason for the large-scale FlyinLeather advertising campaign! In the United States, the call to “fly in the skin” was understood correctly, but for Latin American passengers it literally sounded like an obscene proposal to “fly naked”.

A characteristic feature of advertising, as mentioned above, is the use of low-frequency words that are always more emotionally colored and have a more complex semantic structure.

The less frequent the word, the more effort will be required when transmitting it in the target language. It is necessary to preserve the plume of values ​​that helps the manufacturer to reveal the essence of the image of their products. Transliteration is the least helpful.

This integration can be carried out already on the basis of the translation made in rough, then the advertisement is re-created. But even the task “in rough” to translate advertising is difficult to implement, since advertising text is overloaded with funds that are aimed mainly at encouraging consumers to purchase goods. In this case, a “conflict of form and content” arises, and the translator is unable to convey a lot.

The amount of cognitive information carried by advertising is small. This is the name of the company, the exact name of the product, its specifications, price, contact information: phone numbers, addresses. All this is not difficult when translating. However, the modern text of advertising uses powerfully the resources of fiction, it uses literary allusions, hints of idioms and other techniques that make advertising bright, delivering aesthetic information to the recipient, but making translation difficult. In these cases a great creative potential is required from the translator.

Thus, it becomes possible to formulate some basic principles of translation of advertising texts:

1. Translation of advertising text, as opposed to translation of fiction, in which the translator is obliged to convey the artistic and aesthetic advantages of the original, is somewhat different in form, language means, as well as a pronounced communicative orientation. In the process of translating such texts, the translator has to solve both purely linguistic, linguistic problems caused by differences in the semantic structure and features of the use of two languages ​​in the communication process, and problems of sociolinguistic adaptation of the text.

2. One of the main features of the translation of advertising texts is expressed in the substantive relationship between the original and the translation, as well as in the transmission of the sociolinguistic aspects of the translated text. In order to achieve adequacy, it is often necessary to adapt both the content of the text and its form, which is often of a compromise nature. Many features of translation are associated with the specifics of languages ​​(English or Russian), i.e. the language to which (from which) the translation is made. For example, in the process of translation, the negation can be replaced by approval, which in turn also has an inverse function, such pure techniques as calculating, compensation for lexical losses, replacing the pledge from active to passive and vice versa, as well as transferring phraseological units to their semantic equivalents can be used. etc.

3. In advertising texts, verb constructions such as “Stimulateyoursenses” (“Awaken your senses”), “Neverhide” (show yourself), “Makethemostofnow” (Make today real), “Driveyourway” (manage your dream) are quite common. They are found in all parts of the advertising text - in the title, the main advertising text. Translators of English language advertising draw attention to the special nature of the use of personal and possessive pronouns in advertising texts. The convincing tone of the advertising appeal (which is also characteristic of the texts of Russian advertising) is often based on the consistent application of the following communicative model: “We, our” - to refer to the advertiser, “you, your” - to contact a potential buyer and “they, their” to refer to potential competitors, for example: “howweareyou?” (Where does your We begin?); “No, stankyou” (smoke by yourself, stink by yourself.)

4. Attributive phrases play an important role in the syntagmatic design of both Russian and English advertising texts. Since one of the most important components of the advertising text is the description of the advertised product or service, attribute combinations consisting of adverbs and adjectives carry a greater functional load. “Innovative. Reliable. Smart .That's Philips.”,” Edments. It`s always a pleasure ”.

5. When translating advertisements, translators make certain amendments to the source code taking into account the socio-cultural and psychological aspects of the consumer. The introduction of such amendments is necessary to ensure an adequate perception of the text of the advertisement by the consumer.

The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation to transfer the communicative function of the original, since knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extralinguistic realities is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation. As a result of this study, we came to the general conclusion that, due to its specifics, the advertising text should never be translated literally, since in this case it can lose its meaning and effect. When translating advertising texts into other languages, one should take into account the ethical, psychological and psychographic personal characteristics of the audience and the consumer, the specifics and culture of the country for which the text is intended. For many advertising practitioners, the text of a foreign language serves only as a means to understand the idea of ​​the advertised product, the text itself is often written anew in the language of the consumer’s country, taking into account its national specificity.

It should be noted that with all the abundance of linguistic means of influence, which is characteristic of all multilingual advertising texts, the saturation of the verbal part of advertising with various means of expressiveness does not at all serve as a guarantee of success. The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation for the transfer of the communicative function of the original, since knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extralinguistic realities is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation.

For many advertising practitioners, the text of a foreign language serves only as a meaning to understand the idea of ​​the advertised product, the text itself is often written a new in the language of the consumer’s country, taking into account its national specificity. In those cases when an exact translation is for some reason undesirable, the translator uses approximate sentences that necessarily take into account traditional ethnic, national and social characteristics, behavioral stereotypes of a specific audience, to which the products indicated in the advertising text are directed. E.L. Golovleva says: “It is necessary to translate the spirit and context of the advertising message, and not just words”.Only in this case, advertising will effectively fulfill its role as a language of communication of the manufacturer with its target audience.

Appeal to literary, cultural and historical traditions is a very "powerful weapon" of the creators of advertising. At the same time, such phenomena present certain difficulties in the interpretation and perception of the text.The use of quotations, allusions, distorted idioms, as well as foreign language contributions in advertising assumes that the creator of the text and its recipient have common background knowledge.

Of particular importance are similar phenomena in the advertising of goods presented on the international market, since in this case it is necessary to adapt the advertising messages taking into account the peculiarities of the language picture of the world to the audience to which this text is addressed.

After analyzing the advertising texts from print publications and Internet sources, taking into account their characteristic and stylistic features, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. When translating an advertising message from the source language to the target language, it is necessary to determine which category the text belongs to, since depending on what is the subject of the advertisement and what audience the advertisement is addressed to, the corresponding style will be determined, which should be observed in the text translation;

2. It is necessary to take into account the stylistic features of advertising texts, the most characteristic of which are the creation of an impressive and vivid image of the recipient with the help of emotionally colored vocabulary, repetitions and a wide range of adjectives and adverbs.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that the translation of advertising texts poses certain difficulties, which consist in the fact that there are several approaches to the understanding of translation equivalence. The solution of these problems is achieved by correct analysis of the source text and, as a result, the correct use of these approaches.

First, it is the concept of formal compliance, which involves transcribing and transliteration and is used only when translating trademarks and names of organizations.

The second approach is the concept of normative and substantive conformity, according to which the text should be translated taking into account the transfer of elements of the source text and compliance with the norms of the translation language.

The most effective is the concept of dynamic (functional) equivalence, in which the full value of the translation is determined by the reaction of the recipient of the advertisement, which was originally laid by the author.

The basis of the advertising text should be laid reliable information about the object of advertising, about its differences from a number of similar, about the economic benefits of the consumer. However, despite the factual and persuasiveness, the content of the advertising text should be entertaining and not be clearly agitated. Compilers of advertising texts should strive to make it business-like, convincing, intelligible, correctly accentuated.

The semantic organization of the advertising text is characterized by a synthesis of two principles - logical and emotional. In this sense, we can talk about a certain similarity of strategies for presenting information in the text of a work of art and advertising. On the one hand, the advertising text has such features as consistency, clarity, clarity, based on intellectual persuasion (argumentation), on the other hand, figurativeness, subjectivity, expressing the author's attitude to the proposed product.

The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation to transfer the communicative function of the original, since knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extralinguistic realities is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation. As a result of this study, we came to the general conclusion that, due to its specifics, the advertising text should never be translated literally, since in this case it can lose its meaning and effect.

Translation of advertising texts implies not only the transfer of form and content, but also the consideration of the communicative task of advertising messages. Attention to advertising language issues increases the communicative value of advertising. It is this aspect that requires more thorough research, as it has a major impact on the consumer.


In this work, we investigated some features of the translation of advertising texts. As a result of the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The advertising text includes a number of extralinguistic components and will be adequately perceived with their harmonic combination. The translator must take into account that, neglecting these components, it will not be possible to translate the advertising text with the greatest efficiency.

2. The choice of one or another method or method of translation depends on many factors. This is the nature of the translated text, the audience of the consumer of promotional products, and the features of the translator’s psychology, his commitment to a particular literary tradition. It all depends on each case.

3. Allegory, metaphor, comparison, parallelism, various types of repetitions, the concentration of imperative forms of the verb, etc. are widely used in advertising texts. When translating, it is necessary to take into account the significance of such techniques. The most common is the metaphor, the translation of which requires a great creative potential from the translator.

The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation to transfer the communicative function of the original, since knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extra-linguistic realities is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation.

As a result of this study, the author came to the general conclusion that, due to its specific nature, the advertising text should never be translated literally, since in this case it can lose its meaning and effect. When translating advertising texts into other languages, ethical, psychological and psychographic (personal) characteristics of the audience and consumer, the specifics and culture of the country for which this text is intended.

In search of original and effective words in advertising, new lexemes are often created, which consist of parts of famous words and represent distorted or altered words of the active vocabulary of Russian or foreign languages. So, one of the ways to create new words is to borrow foreign lexemes. In this case, the new word should be associated both in meaning and associative with the object of advertising. Whatever the newly created words, they must match the characteristics of the audience to which the advertising message.

The translation process is creative, and the advertising translation process is double. But translators should not get too carried away and forget that: “Dale Carnegie is right: he is interested in the reader himself. In advertising, for example, he is not interested in the product or the company that created it, but in solving his problems. A real advertiser understands this, and a pseudoreklamist is convinced that advertising is a field for his “self-expression”.


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