Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Ваша лучшая поездка/поход куда-либо (в музей, театр, в какое – либо интересное место/город, страну)

There are a huge number of different museums in our country. There are museums of fine arts, weapons, jewelry, local history and many others. A lot on modern topics, for example, the layout of Russia. But what impressed me the most was the one dedicated to fighting.

My parents and I regularly visit museums and exhibitions, once we were on a submarine. I didn't really like it, it was a little creepy and unpleasant to be there.

But, recently we visited the Borodino battle panorama museum. It was, built in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812. At first it seemed to me that this is an ordinary museum, which is simply dedicated to the Battle of Borodino. We walked around and looked at old pistols and revolvers. There were books and many other interesting things. The woman guide was very interesting to tell many facts from the life of soldiers and officers of that time. But when we came to the very panorama of the Borodino battle, I was stunned. The picture is painted so high quality that at first I confused it with reality.

When you look at the panorama for a long time, it seems that you moved at that time. There is a premonition that another battle will begin now, and I want to run there, take a saber and fight for my Motherland ... The horizon line pulls somewhere into the distance, where it is quiet and calm. If you do not blink for a long time and stand still, it seems that the grass is swaying and cannon shots are, heard. Somewhere a wounded officer screamed as he fell from his horse. French conversation. The wind breaks against the wall of the forest and everything subsides...

A realistic exposure was, made in front of the painting. As if this is real earth, a trace from a fireplace, a dugout. It even smells there, for some reason, I burn. Something else was elusive ... Waiting for some event, I think.

When it was time to return home, I did not want to leave. The panorama museum has a very quiet and peaceful environment. There are many original Russian items. And a fascinating, bright and lively picture. She conveys all the pain of the fighting, the beauty of our country, teaches us to value and respect the self-sacrifice of our great-grandfathers who died for the Motherland. We will honor their feat and carry the memory through the years.