Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Перфект в придаточных предложениях времени и условия

The clause in English - also called dependent - begins with a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun and contains both the subject and the predicate. By itself, it does not form a complete statement, but only provides the reader with additional information. Since relative clauses in English explain the main thing, they play the role of different members of the sentence, hence their types and names appeared. Subordinate clauses are: subject clauses, predicate clauses, additional clauses, attributive clauses, clauses.

Let's now analyze the topic: Perfect in subordinate clauses of time and condition.

The additional time is introduced by the unions when - when, whenever - whenever, before - before, after- after, till (until) - while, until, by the time - by the time when, as soon as - how only, while - while, since - since. Answers the question when? - when ?, how long? - how long ?, since when? - since when ?, till that time? till when? - How long?. After conjunctions and allied tense words, the tenses of the Future group cannot be used.

When she comes, we will go to the cinema. - When she arrives, we will go to the cinema.

The future perfect tense (Future Perfect) in the subordinate clause of the circumstance of time changes to the present perfect (Present Perfect).

As soon as they have finished we can use the court. - As soon as they finish (playing), we can take the court.

The clauses are introduced by the unions if - if, in case (that) - if, on condition (that) - provided that, unless - if not. And they are divided into four types: zero conditional - present simple, first conditional - Future Simple, second conditional - Past Simple, third conditional - Past Perfect.

If he studies hard, he will get a good mark at the exam. - If he does a good job, he will get a good mark on the exam.