Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Social networks: advantages and disadvantages»

Social networks have its own advantages and disadvantages. While I agree that it eats up a lot of productive time of professionals and students, we can't deny the advantages it offers.

Invention and discoveries make the man to make communications modes more easier than before. Now in this fast world communication were mostly done with the help of social networks. Some of the social networks like facebook, twitter, google+ etc act as a mediator in between two users for communication. And also it is place where we can get ride from our tensions. In the mean while there are many advantages as well as many disadvantages are there with the social networks. It is good to have social networks but never allows us to fall into it as a prey.

Social networking help us to improve our communicating skills and make us to speak and share our opinions in the middle of some peoples. Many of the students and youths where improving their English with the help of social networks. We can cool our mind with the help of the social networks. We can communicate with our friends, relatives etc with the help of social networks. And also can share thought, opinion, photos, videos with others. Totally in our finger touch we can see everyone from all over the world. Social networks are even helpful in the field of business and other related jobs. And also now collecting opinions and voting about different topics are done through social networks so social networks has a great impact in this modern world. New ideas, news, information about various things can be known with the help of social networks. Through social networks we can collect more informations and can learn more than a book gives.

The main disadvantage from the social networks is it makes the users to addict in it. On a report based on the facebook study is telling that an average teenager spends more than 60 hours a month in front of the facebook. With fake accounts or with fake profiles many of them where victimed in many cheating activities. Lack of knowledge about their social networking profile also make many of them to lose their profile. This is some of the disadvantages which is found on the social networking sites and where already reported. Social networks has a good role in the development of the social skills and communicative skills but on the other hand it is making the users not to think about their practical world. Friends in social networks can't help a user in their bad times than a real friend that he/she have.

As a communication media social networks has a big role in acting as a mediator of it. But on the practical life we need more time that we spend in the social networking sites so adjusting the time for social communicate and try to avoid it to not to get addicted to it. Proper time management will keep us safe from addicted to the social networks. It is possible to collect more knowledge with the help of social networks by connecting on the knowledge sharing pages or accounts. We can share our thoughts and opinions through social medias and can share our happiness and sadness with others through it but it can't help anyone to get ride from a danger. So there are many uses are their with social networks but the most important thing that user need to remember is use it wisely and care about yourself to keep you safe from different social networking problems.

И. Краснов

11 ноября 2018 г.