Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


Management-the science of managing organizations using a set of principles, forms, methods and means of management of production and production personnel, as well as the type of activity of the subject, the company, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization in the best way. In simple terms, management is the ability to achieve goals, using labor, intelligence, motives of behavior of other people. A Manager is a category of people who carry out management work. The importance of management was especially clearly realized in the 30s. Already then it became obvious that this activity turned into a profession, a field of knowledge into an independent discipline, and the social layer into a very influential social force. For modern management characterized by: a steady desire to improve the efficiency of the organization; the broad economic independence providing freedom of decision to those who are responsible for results of own work and for the functioning of firms in the market; permanent adjustment of objectives and programs, depending on market conditions, changes in the external environment; the use of modern information base for calculations when making management decisions; assessment of management work on the basis of the contribution of the management apparatus in improving the efficiency of the company; involvement of all employees of the company to manage it; the ability to reasonably risk and manage risk. The term "management", in fact, is an analogue of the term "management", and their synonyms are the terms "housekeeping", "security", "navigation", "representation", "customer", "guarantor". The activity of any organization or enterprise has many directions, each of which must be managed. In this regard, in practice, there are several types of management. Production management (production management) contributes to the effective implementation of the process of creating goods and services. It consists in determining the optimal volume and structure of output, the type of technology used, the placement of people; organization of supply of materials, raw materials, components, modern equipment repair, Troubleshooting; quality control, range of products and services in accordance with market requirements. Management of material and technical supply and sale of finished products (logistics) consists in the organization of the conclusion of economic contracts, procurement of delivery and storage of raw materials, materials, components, as well as manufactured goods, sending them to customers, the formation of sales channels, warehousing, inventory management. Innovation management, that is, innovation (innovation management), has as its object the process of scientific research, applied development, the creation of prototypes and the introduction of new products into production. Marketing management consists in the organization of the team based on the study of the market, customers, existing and future demand for products, development of pricing policy, studying the needs of buyers, market segmentation. Human resources management includes human resources management and social management. Solving the problem of selection, placement, training, refresher training, selection of methods of remuneration and incentives; creating favorable psychological climate; improve conditions o and staff welfare activities: labour disputes and conflicts, personnel management raises the efficiency of management. The essence of financial management (financial management) is to optimize the formation and distribution of its financial resources by budgeting and financial plan of the organization, assessment of the current and future financial condition of the organization. Thus, we see that the practical role of management is as great as possible and it is impossible to master the science of management without studying the basic concepts and categories of this science. I believe that the main function of management is the ability to achieve goals. In small firms, this role is performed by the Director himself, and in large-the Manager (organizer, Manager, Manager). So the Manager is the most important person in the firm.