Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

It is very difficult for me to single out any one invention, so I would like to tell you about the most important

The history of inventions includes everything that was created by man for thousands of years of existence, but we want to highlight the most important inventions of mankind. Together with the physiology of man, his intellect also evolved. Of course, it is very difficult to choose the most important and necessary from the huge number and variety of man's inventions, but we nevertheless made our rating of the 12 most important inventions in the history of mankind.

Gunpowder and Firearms

There are persistent numerous opinions that gunpowder was invented in China. His appearance led to the invention of fireworks and early examples of firearms. Since the beginning of time people have divided the territories and protected them, and for this they always needed some kind of weapon. First there were sticks, then axes, then bows, and after the appearance of gunpowder and firearms. Now many types of weapons have been created for military purposes, from simple pistols to the latest intercontinental missiles that are launched from a submarine. In addition to the army, weapons are also used by civilians for their protection and protection of anything, and for hunting.


It is difficult to imagine a modern world without cars. People go to work, to dacha, to vacation, to food, to movies and restaurants. Different types of vehicles are used for delivery of goods, construction of buildings and for many other purposes. The first cars resembled carriages without horses and moved with not very high speed. Now there are both simple cars for the middle class, and luxury cars, standing like a house, accelerating to 300 kilometers per hour. The modern world can not be imagined without a car.

the Internet

To the creation of the Internet, mankind has been going on for many years, inventing new and new means of communication. Twenty years ago, the Internet had a little more than 100,000 people, and now it is practically in all more or less large populated areas. Through the Internet you can communicate with letters and visually, on the Internet you can find almost any information, you can work through the Internet, order products, things and services. The Internet is a window into the world through which you can not only receive information, communicate and play, but also earn money, make purchases and read this site.

Mobile phone

Some 15 years ago, in order to communicate with someone from a distance, it was necessary to go home and call a fixed line or look for the nearest telephone booth and coins or tokens for a call. If you were on the street, and you urgently needed to call an ambulance or firefighters, you had to shout in the hope that someone from the nearest houses would hear and call where you need to or quickly run and look for a phone to call. Even children always had to go around friends and personally find out whether they would go for a walk or not, since even at home many did not have a phone. Now, from almost anywhere, you can call anywhere. A mobile phone is a freedom of communication wherever you are.

A computer

The computer today has replaced for many such items as a TV, video or DVD player, phone, books and even a ballpoint pen. Now with the help of a computer you can write books, communicate with people, watch movies, listen to music, find the right information. Yes, what I'm telling you, you yourself know everything! In addition to household applications, computers are used for various research and development, facilitating and improving the work of many enterprises and mechanisms. The modern world can not be imagined without computers.


The invention of cinematography was the beginning of that movie and television that we have today. The first motion pictures were black and white and without sound, they appeared only a few decades after the photo. Today, cinema is an incredible sight. Thanks to hundreds of people working on it, computer graphics, decorations, makeup and many other ways and technologies of cinema now can be like a fairy tale. Television, portable video cameras, surveillance cameras and in general everything related to video exists thanks to the invention of cinema.


A simple fixed phone is in our rating above the mobile one because for the time when the phone was invented it was a huge breakthrough. Before the phone, you could communicate only by mail, by telegraph or by mail pigeons. :) Thanks to the phone people no longer had to wait a few weeks for an answer to the letter, there was no need to go somewhere or go to say something or find out. The creation of the phone not only saved time, but also strength.

Electric lamp

Before the invention of the electric bulb, people sat in the dark in the evenings or lit candles, lamps in oil or some kind of torches as in ancient times. The invention of a light bulb made it possible to get rid of the danger posed by lighting fixtures using fire. Thanks to the electric bulb, the rooms were illuminated well and evenly. Now we understand the importance of a light bulb only when we are disconnected from electricity.


Before the invention of antibiotics, some diseases that are now treated at home can kill a person. The development and production of antibiotics began actively at the end of the XIX century. The invention of antibiotics helped a person to overcome a variety of diseases that were previously considered incurable. In the 30s of the 20th century every year dysentery carried away tens of thousands of human lives. Also, there was no cure for pneumonia, sepsis, typhoid. The man could not defeat the pulmonary plague, it always led to death. With the invention of antibiotics, many serious diseases have not become scary.


At first glance, you can not say that the wheel is a very important invention, but thanks to this particular device, many other inventions were invented, such as a car or a train. The wheel significantly reduces the energy costs of moving the load. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, not only transportation was perfected. The man began to build roads, the first bridges appeared. Everything, from carts to planes, moves thanks to the wheel. Even the lifts and mills work thanks to the wheel. If you think a little, you can understand the full scale of the use of this simple ancient invention and all its importance.


On the second place of our rating is the second oldest and frequency of use of the method of information transfer. Thanks to writing, we can learn history, read books, write sms, learn new information and learn. Ancient letters found in the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids allow us to understand the way of life of ancient civilizations. Now we need writing practically for everything. Work in the office, rest with an interesting book, entertainment at the computer, training - all this is possible thanks to writing.


The first place is occupied by the most ancient and often used method of information transfer. Without language there would be nothing. People simply could not understand each other, as it was many thousands of years ago, when humanity was still at the first stages of its development. Today there are thousands of languages ​​with dozens of dialects in each. Most of them are no longer used, many are used in remote corners of the world by various tribes. Thanks to the language we understand each other, thanks to him we develop as a civilization and thanks to him you can learn about the 12 most important inventions of man!