Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

The truth is that nowadays the Internet has an important place in our life. So it is a highly vexed question. It has no definitive answer. This is all up to you. Also, it depends on the purpose of using the Internet.
As for me, I think it not change my life in general, because most of the time I don't need Internet, but it could make me angry when I am in search of something important or when I try to download some audios, videos or textbooks.,
Frankly speaking ,the Internet is a really helpful thing , but this is not a life. As for me it's a kind of useful tool for find necessary information. However, there are people who spend too much time surfing the Internet and slowing down the Internet can freak them out. Some people are really obsessed with gadgets and the Internet too. All this internet world makes people sick. I am sure that each of us need to have a rest and relax. I make no doubt that slowing down the Internet will make us more relaxed as a result. I guess that it will make us more undistracted. Also slowing down the internet will make a lot of companies work slowly, online stores will be slowly, airport check-in probably will be slow too. Despite the difficulties it could make us happier, families probably would stay together, divorce would not exist, because they will try to enjoy with each other, play games, etc.
After all these thoughts, my answer is slowing down the Internet, of course, will decrease stress. I say it without any doubt.