Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funding from the government in order for them to continue with their work

Art is a part of human life, in many countries, people preserve their arts for upcoming generations. Some people believe that the government should provide aid to the artists in order to make them sustain in their field. I partially disagree with this view.

Firstly, it is a well-known fact that the funds are allocated from the people's tax, and I consider that it should be equally spent on all domains which are in a financial predicament. I believe government funding should be spent on pressing social problems. Education and health care are closely related to people’s well being. By pouring more money into these areas, the government can make education more affordable and accessible for young people and thus provide them better opportunities for their future employment. At the same time, state funding also enables medical facilities to function properly and this can offer better health services to citizens.

Secondly, artists can find alternative sources of income to support themselves. To begin with, artists can cooperate with other organizations and companies by providing creative ideas and graphic designs. This helps them to earn extra income and reduce their reliance on government help. Nowadays artists can take advantage of modern technology such as social media networking to promote their own artworks and sell them worldwide.

However, the government should also support the people of other firms who earn minimum remuneration. Since the working population is paying taxes to the government, it must be spent without partiality. There are many impoverished people who are struggling to run their life without decent pay.

On the other hand, in this era of modernization, many traditional arts are on the verge of extinction as many people believe that those are out-dated. Despite earning low wages, some artists are still trying to preserve the arts that they are practicing. therefore, the government should fund them to continue their profession which can be passed down to their future generations.

Finally, arts contribute tremendous value to the culture of a city or a country. Thus, it is reasonable for the government to support artists as a way to maintain and enhance the arts industry.

I agree they should receive financial support but, it is better when this supports comes from other successful artists. It is not true that all artists have low income. In fact, there are plenty of people who are internationally famous in arts and they earn more money than any well-known professor or businessman. Therefore, themselves rather than the government should contribute their money to help their colleagues.

In conclusion, although it is important to support artists financially to prevent art from becoming extinct, the government should consider other domains as well. I believe, in the future, the authorities of the nation would take steps to address all the issues without biased. Both the government and successful artists should support other artists who have financial problems.