Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Career is important in any person’s life, because it helps self-realization and provides financial well-being

Career is important in any person’s life, because it helps self-realization and provides financial well-being. Some people are looking for what they want to do all their life, but not all of them, there are people who don’t understand at once what they want to do. I personally belong to the second type. But to know what you want isn't enough. It is necessary to determine what education and practical skills are needed. All this will help to build a successful career.

I have been playing tennis since my early childhood and besides that I want to have a business education, namely in "sports management". In terms of tennis, I play tournaments and study to be a referee. Judging brings me a special experience. For example, I can understand from the players position how to resolve different conflict situations, and am expanding the list of professional contacts. Playing in tournaments helps me to identify my weaknesses and work on them. Tennis is a game of character and patience, and with each training session, with each game in the tournament, my character becomes stronger and stronger. I'm learning to think strategically and to force the opponent to play by my rules. In this sport I want to achieve a certain success: to win significant international tournaments and become one of the top 10 rackets of the world among women. I chose sports management because it will help me, for example to create my own sports brand. To begin with, I will finish my studies at college, get acquainted with this area and understand in what direction I should develop, later I will go to University for higher education. We study law, geography, history, economics, languages to learn how to do business.

To sum up, I can say that for a successful career, it is important to understand your interests and choose the profession that you like, but you also need a special education that will develop your skills. To improve knowledge, you need practice because nowadays it will be difficult to find a job without practice. In my case, practice is necessary because without it will be impossible to build a successful business and open your brand. In addition, a professional athlete needs to train - this is also a kind of practice - in its absence, the technique will suffer and there will be less chances of winning.