Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Write about the fate of Oliver Twist

The story of "Oliver Twist" is initially not very unambiguous. The author of the story tells about the difficult fate of a boy doomed to a thief's life. At a very young age, the English boy has to go through more than the average adult.
So, who is Oliver Twist and how is his fate remarkable?

On the one hand, Oliver is a good guy. From early childhood he was left without a mother. She died early, and the boy was placed under the care of a rather tough woman. At the orphanage, Oliver was uncomfortable - he was always a kind, unspoiled boy and the mockery of his peers and older children always upset him.
Despite his age, the boy turned out to be hardy and smart. Escaping from a farm where he definitely didn`t belong, he finds himself in more severe conditions. He helps the undertaker worker. Oliver trains the fortitude. He escapes again, finding himself another adventure.

Thieves who teach a child a forbidden craft are trying to cultivate a bad person in him. They make him quietly pull wallets out of the pockets of unsuspecting townspeople and steal food. The boy begins to understand that this will not lead him to anything good, because the people who use him don`t think about how it might end for him. The boy runs away again and finally gets lucky. He finds someone who can take care of him better than the street kids. It can be said that the boy suffered himself a good end to the story.

I can't say that Oliver is a bad character because he was little, when he was orphaned. He needed to survive by any means. He did not kill anyone and did not cause more suffering than simple theft. Twist was used by all his acquaintances, from Mrs. Mann to thieves, but he survived and eventually grew up a good person, having already a lot of experience on the way to growing up.

All in all, I will say that the fate of each person can develop in different ways. The author prescribed the world as it really is and showed that only the inner core of a person will help him not to deviate from the path of good even in the most difficult situation.