Автор Анна Евкова
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What can be used on a flag to symbolize a country?

Since ancient times, people have used symbols and signs in their daily lives. Some are used for communication, navigation, symbols, determining belonging to a nation or tribe.

The history of flags began with military banners. The military banner was a sacred symbol, it served as an identification mark for soldiers and it was carefully guarded. Capture military banner was tantamount to victory in the war. Military Affairs contributed to the development of the symbolism, it became more diverse.

The flag was first created by the Navy to identify ships at a long distance. And now, in our time, flags are widely used as a means of expression of political, sports and personal views.

How can the flag reflect the views, beliefs and national pride of the whole country? This is possible through symbols and colors. Each color or combination of colors has a certain meaning for a person, can give a certain result, create an impression. For example, the red color can never be calm in the perception of a person. This or celebration, or the danger, but not calm. At the same time, blue is the color of the sea and the sky, peace and grandeur. And each country with the help of its flag expresses its main principles, its beliefs, as well as its history.

Flags of some countries contain not only colors, but also various signs and symbols that most accurately convey the nature of the country, create its appearance, its face. For example, the rising sun on the flag of Japan, minimalist, bright, laconic. The rising sun has been a symbol of the country since ancient times.

Now flags and symbols in General are the most relevant. This is a kind of visiting card, the face of the state, the company, the flag always creates an image that is not only the first to catch the eye, but also remains in memory for a long time.