Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

5 things I can’t live without

It’s a bit difficult task – to choose only five things which are essential for living. First of all, it depends on what kind of things are considered. Are they necessary for life in the truest sense of the word or not? Because if it is so, surely it must be food to eat, water to drink, air to breath, house as a place to live in, and of course people around us, because whereas humans are “social animals”, we need society as an essential condition for to make our life full.

Are we talking about material thing or not? Because if it’s not about material things, then I would without doubts choose such things as love, friendship, warm connection with my relatives, motivation for live, and good music as well. But If we are talking about material things which makes my own life much better, it would probably be such things as natural coffee, my iPhone, my car, bathroom with the warm tap water, and hummus.

Coffee is something that I totally addicted to. My morning should start from a cup of a delicious and fragrant cappuccino, otherwise it won’t be a good morning. My car is essential for me for to manage to do a lot of things and to move around. If I had no car I would spend too much time to move in such a big city like Moscow. iPhone is a gadget absolutely needed, because nowadays all our life is literally situated in this small box. A lot of options which are required by today’s life, could be realized with smartphones or iPhones. Phone calls, e-mails, messengers, mobile banking and many other applications – it’s so comfortable to have all of this just in one small object! As to bathroom and warm water – it’s something that provides much comfort in my life, and also brings pleasure to it. What could be more pleasant than taking a warm bath with fragrant foam bubbles? And the fifth thing that I’ve named was hummus – a delicious Israeli dish made of chickpea and sesame. Humus is such a tasty food that I can eat it almost 24 hours in a day without stop.

As a conclusion, I should say that in fact there are many more things that I can’t live without. But those fife that I’ve mentioned are the first ones that came to my mind while I was writing this essay.