Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

This is a story from my life happened in the middle of a hot summer

This is a story from my life happened in the middle of a hot summer. When everyone is already traveling on vacation with family or friends at sea or abroad, for example, to Turkey, USA, to Latin American countries.and we also gathered and decided to go on vacation, met with those who should go and went to the destination.on the way we saw beautiful landscapes of the city, villages, villages and finally arrived at the checkpoint in front of the border that we have to move and it was at night.When I was returning from the toilet there was one funny case when I dropped my ID and everyone in a crowd was looking for it in the dark with flashlights and I was not allowed in by armed border guards . And finally after a few minutes we found an identity card and drove on and even passed the border . We drove all night and in the morning we reached the recreation area and did not even notice that it was already morning as the time flew by quickly.so we arrived at the recreation area, everyone began to unload their things, someone a bag, someone backpacks, and my friends and I went to see the beautiful places of the recreation area.
Before lunch, we had already taken our rooms, registered in the recreation area, looked at the reception and, having changed, went to dinner.after everyone had lunch, having agreed to meet near the beach, the water was crystal clear there you could see yourself when you swim that the water was so clear clear.and so they swam before dinner until they got tired, then everyone went to their rooms to rest and change again and after that everyone went to dinner together. After having had dinner with friends and friends gathered near tall trees and there were benches, friends sat there and I stood with friends near the girls and talked until the night was a great time.and so it flew for three whole days and we didn’t even notice it, like we arrived today, but we had to go home already it was fun to spend time in a great place after lunch we got on the bus and went home. It is a pity that such vacations do not last so long, so many memories were preserved in that place, but they spent a good fun time with girlfriends and friends.