Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


One of the most important indicators of the level of personal development is the ability to control oneself or self management.

By controlling himself, a person gets out of control of the environment and becomes a person. The less a person can control himself, the easier it is controlled by the environment and circumstances, it becomes like everything else, merges with the mass. The higher a person has the developed ability to control himself and the environment, the more one can speak about the presence of a personality.

Self-management is important not only for the ordinary employee of the company, but also for any person. Controlling yourself allows you to achieve your life goals and feel that life does not pass by. Self-management as a tool is important for anyone who wants to succeed in life, regardless of their status. However, self-management is even more important for businessmen, since the achievement of the company's goals depends on their work.

Self-management is often perceived as strict submission to the schedule, which must also be thought out and drawn up. Therefore, the lack of clarity in their actions, many explain the reluctance to subordinate themselves to the schedule. But self-government means not only planning your time.

Self-management is the ability to control oneself, to manage the management process in the widest sense of the word - in time, in space, in personal communication, in the business world. Being organized regardless of whether it relates to the surrounding space or your time, it means to be ready. This allows you to feel collected, to control the situation, to be ready to use all available opportunities and to cope with any surprises and surprises.

A person does not control himself when, having set a task, he is distracted to any of his internal impulses, when a momentary desire or temptation seizes him, forcing him to forget about what he himself has outlined.

A person does not control himself when he is thoughtlessly following someone, when someone else controls him: parents, friends, whose requests and instructions he performs without thinking and often to the detriment of his own plans.

When you are not in control of yourself, someone else controls you. When you do not control yourself, you are governed by some events or processes, you flow in a process, and the more it happens, the less you are.

Self-management is the ability to apply the knowledge of your emotions to actively decide what to say and what to do. The following methods are used to increase the degree of self-control:

  • Create a list of emotions and their rational explanations. It is necessary to analyze their state, which leads to them, to identify those unfavorable for work and communication with the outside world and with oneself.
  • Do not make decisions in an emotionally uncontrollable state. Take it easy. Perhaps postpone the resolution of this issue the next day. The morning is wiser than the evening.
  • Laugh and smile more. When you smile or laugh, your face sends signals to the brain that you are happy. This will help you drive away unproductive and depressed states at the physical level.
  • Plan your time. Optimize your business. Write plans for the day, week, month in a notebook and check with him regularly.
  • Be open to the new, learn, draw new from communication with people and new experience.
  • Think over everything in advance, no need to do improvising at the last moment.
  • Successful people think over the details in advance: they are preparing for meetings, they are looking for information that they can use in their speech, they make a prepared speech aloud.

Self-management helps not only to achieve business goals, but also just to find time for yourself. Is the desire to go in for sports, painting, to go to Madagascar, to see friends more often, i.e., to find time for favorite activities and rest, is not enough motivation for this? Like the desire, for example, to make my mother an expensive gift from the first high salary, which is sure to become one when you learn to effectively manage yourself.

I chose this topic to learn more about this theme, because my self-management is bad. I can't get up early because I'm go to sleep late. And accordingly, I can not go to bed early because I get up late. I sometimes skipping classes at the university and I am ashamed of it. I would like to become a successful and strong-willed person. I admire people who manage to do as many things in a day as I do in a week! It is very difficult, but it brings great benefits. Therefore, I slowly begin to work on myself. Even I’m downloaded on the smartphone application glider.

And I already have the first successes. I made for myself a small discovery that if my plan for the day is not tied to a specific time, then the effectiveness of such a plan is close to zero. Because I can be stuck in one case to the detriment of others or fall into laziness. But when the schedule is clearly tied to the time, then the efficiency increases significantly.