Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The importance of management in modern society

Under the conditions of market relations, views on the nature, role, essence and significance of the work of a leader are changing. In the first place is put forward independence, initiative.

So what is governance and management?

Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of an organization.

A feature of modern management is its focus on efficient economic management in conditions of scarcity of resources, a gradual decrease in production regulation by administrative methods, and production intensification. Modern management should promote market development.

Management is the science of managing organizations using a set of principles, forms, methods and tools for managing production and production personnel, as well as the type of activity of an entity, a firm, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization in the best way.

In my understanding, management is the ability to achieve set goals, using labor, intelligence, motives of other people's behavior. Management in Russian "management" function, type of activity for the management of people in a wide variety of organizations.

Modern management is characterized by: a stable desire to improve the efficiency of the organization; broad economic independence, providing freedom of decision-making to those who are responsible for the results of their own work and at the same time for the functioning of the firm's market; constantly new goals and programs depending on market conditions.

I believe that the main function of management is the ability to achieve its goals. In small firms, this role is played by the director himself, and in large firms - by the manager (organizer, manager, leader). On the one hand, due to the multi-level management system, the director cannot bring his decisions on his own and control their implementation at lower levels, moreover, he has many other things to do, more global tasks and problems. On the other hand, a professional manager will often solve many problems better than a director. So the manager is sometimes the most important person in the firm.
In addition, constant monitoring of goals and the results of their achievement allows you to clarify intermediate goals, the order of their importance and the nature of the strategy developed. Thus, the goals and strategies for achieving them are closely interrelated, adjusting or clarifying one of these categories will immediately directly affect the other. In the management process, there is a constant process of their coordination, determination of their compliance. At the same time, both goals and strategies can have a strategic and tactical nature, be determined both for the future and for the current period. In the first case, to a large extent, the potential of the organization and the forecast indicators of the development of the external environment are taken into account. In the second case, specific data are taken into account based on the actual situation and trends in its development.

In my opinion, the whole world is simply chasing profit and the very principle of rational management of anything has already disappeared.

Often, companies simply try to copy the foreign concept of management in order to do "everything as in the West", but this often does not work for us, in Russia there is a different market, with its own characteristics and procedures, not to mention personnel with a Russian mentality.

Thus, we see that the practical role of management is as great as possible and it is impossible to master the science of management without studying the basic concepts and categories of this science.

Работу выполнил: Мальканов Владимир, группа ДБУ-101гмс.