Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The consumer behavior of two people from different generation

To understand in practice how different consumer behavior is between two different generations, let's analyze the behavior of my daughter and myself. I belong to generation X, my daughter to generation Y.

Representatives of generation X - these people are more like eternal seekers, disappointed and tired. The combination of still young age but at the same time quite a large experience of life, leads to the fact that people of this generation tend to take everything pragmatically. There is no room for sudden impulses or outbursts of emotion. People of this generation are focused on high speed of life and work. They are incredible workaholics. An integral feature of the representatives of the generation is the practicality of thinking, rationalism and the desire to improve.

Representatives of generation X pay much attention to their appearance, status. This is dictated by society so it is important for them to acquire well-known brands. They are also happy to try new gadgets, new ways of rest and relaxation, strive to fill their lives with bright emotions. It is for this category of society that money begins to play the most important role in life. Getting funds becomes a kind of super-task. This is despite the fact that most of the money will not be able to be spent on what they really want.

Generation Y can be described briefly: "emotions here and now»

These are active, purposeful people who are ready to fight with everything and everyone for rights, ideas, opinions. Among the representatives of this generation most of them are attentive to fashion and fashion trends not only in terms of clothing but also technical innovations, features of behavior and other events.

Unfortunately, the orientation of most of generation Y is based on meeting their needs. At the same time the generation strives for independence but it is not ready for independent life in the realities of time. The most important component in life is money. Most of the actions in this case leads to the receipt and instant waste of funds.

The new generation is an ardent supporter of everything new. Whether it is a direction in nutrition the use of only natural products and materials or religious beliefs.

If we talk about fashion, it is important that the generation chooses the brand. Regardless of what it offers. It is important that the name is recognizable. In this case, neither the price of the thing, nor the actual thing itself as a wardrobe item will not play a large functional role.

Transferring these characteristics to consumer behavior in the practice of my daughter and I should be noted: I tend to choose carefully without any spontaneity for me quality and status are important. Everything new I study and check on myself. I'm willing to sacrifice my own whims to please someone in the family. I like to have money in reserve I prefer to save money and make large purchases.

My daughter is not attracted to global brands, in her choice the most important role is played by "herding", all her peers want it or already have it. In choosing clothes is not so demanding, prefers the style of unisex. He easily picks up everything new for example, vegetarianism, thereby emphasizing his protest against the killing of animals. Absolutely can not and does not know how to make money but easily spends it on small things that give her short-term joy.

Consumer behavior, divided into generational categories, plays a crucial role in the formation of marketing proposals. So companies, based on this, develop commercials that can affect the decision purchase a particular target audience.