Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Nuclear family"

Currently, there are four types of family: nuclear family, extended family, one-parent- family, childless Family

Nuclear family - a family consisting of parents (parent) and children, or only of spouses, the relations between spouses (representatives of the same generation) are brought to the fore, and not relations between representatives of different generations (parents and children). It is opposed to an expanded (or complex) patriarchal family of the traditional type, which includes several married couples or at least several generations of adults. The transition from a complex family to a nuclear one comes with the transition from a traditional to an industrial society.

According to B. M. Bim Badu and S. N. Gavrov "Today, the most common type in the range of Christian/post-Christian civilization is a simple (nuclear) family, which is a married couple with children who are not married."

For the first time, the idea of ​ ​ a nuclear family was expressed by Pope Gregory I. In Europe and the Mediterranean, that is, in the territories of the former Roman Empire, the formation of a nuclear family took place in 400-800. Such a family has become the main unit of economic activity, and in all segments of the population, from personally dependent people to their gentlemen, from the pork to the king.

In the 16-17 centuries, nuclear yards/families already prevailed in Spain, and the average family size decreased from 5 to 3-4 people.

In Russia, the transition from a traditional to a nuclear family occurred in the 20th century under the influence of industrialization and urbanization. According to A. G. Vishnevsky, the process of transition to a married nuclear family in Russia has progressed far, but has not yet completely ended. One of the reasons for this is the lack of housing, forcing young married couples to live together with the parents of one of the spouses.

Today, the nuclear family is transformed into an incomplete family. This is due to increased freedom in society, due to the idea that life is one, due to the dominance of mass culture. Mass culture in its modern manifestation stimulates the biological needs of young people, as a result of which they indiscriminately begin to have sex, which gives rise to an undesirable pregnancy - and as a result, the education of a very fragile family. Many women give birth to a child to "hold" a man. As a result of this Brownian movement, nuclear families break up, forming incomplete families. More often, these consist of a child and a mother, less often of a child and a father.

The advantages of the nuclear family are:

1. the presence of parenting in the child of both parents

2. separation of duties in everyday life

3. Parents and children are bound by a range of rights and responsibilities

The nucleic appearance of the family is characteristic of an industrial-type society. It is important to understand that it can be partnering or feminist. That is, relations between family members can be built on different grounds. She can even be same-sex. Also, I think it is clear that she can also be religious (Orthodox, Catholic, or Shinto). Thus, family types can easily be related to each other, as well as different types of relationships. In addition, such a family is still a small social group.