Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

На тему IT спецальность

"If you want to find the business of your dreams, remember what gave you pleasure as a child."

This idea arises every time I think about working in an IT company. Of course, I didn't do any programming in kindergarten (although it's a pity), but I clearly remember the feeling of satisfaction when I was building my "original creation" from some designer. You have a similar feeling when thinking and inventing different parts of the code you come to the final version of your program, which not only compiles, but also (God willing) performs what it was created for. It may be an infantile comparison, but I think both the first and the second case is an example of pure engineering, when thoughts and logic are embodied in something holistic and complete.

Watching the programmer's work, sometimes it seems that the boundary between traditional art and programming is very thin, and sometimes it is simply absent. As a sculptor or an artist, the developer step by step brings his idea to life: he also tries different variants, also makes mistakes and starts all over again, and when he finishes his work, it is a quintessence of original thoughts, conjectures, feelings and sometimes humor.

Therefore, for me programming is an opportunity to combine strict logic and creative chaos, work and art, a desire for self-realization and a desire to create programs that will be useful to others.

I believe that after some time of work in the IT sphere, I will be able to realize many of my goals, such as to become a true professional (to be aware of the latest achievements and developments, to be able to apply and even improve them), to implement their software products that would be useful to society and therefore successful, as well as to help other guys to find their way, which is to constantly improve and open up new horizons.

If we add to all the above mentioned the global and international character of IT companies' activity, we will get the versatility that attracts in the IT sphere.

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