Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funding

“Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funding from the government in order for them to continue with their work. To what extent do you agree?”

In this scientific era, most people have lost interest in art, and as a result, artists are struggling to make a living. In my opinion, great things will happen if artists receive financial assistance from the government. Nowadays, artists are not earning enough money to fulfill their needs. Some people suggest providing financial assistance to them. However, this may be of little help, but I am a strong opponent of this idea.

For most artists, art is their main job and their primary source of income. In addition to that, most of them are extremely passionate about what they do and spend massive amounts of time and effort to excel in their work. Therefore, when they do not earn enough from it, they are forced to give up their pursuit of art. It will be beneficial if the government offers them the money to take care of their expenses.

In addition, art is necessary to protect the country's culture and traditions. Without art, many cultures will disappear. First and foremost, culture of any country is closely linked and reflected through arts. Providing sufficient monetary support to artists may be beneficial for them to work in a relax environment, free from any financial stress. Thus, artists may work better to promote the culture of their country. Furthermore, though artists may possess unique skills in their fields, they lack any marketable product which they can sell to earn their living. For example, a civil engineer can construct a building and a software engineer can code a program. Hence, government should help them to have a better life. Thus, financial assistance to artists benefits the country and protects its culture. However, providing monthly allowances to artists would only have short-term results. The government should adopt more effective strategies for integrating artists into other lucrative industries. For example, artists should receive the necessary education and training to work in other fields along with art. In addition, the government should spend public money on other important areas, such as health and education. Providing every citizen with easy access to quality health care and education will lead to the development of a society of progress that will be self-sufficient to earn a living.

In the end, I can say that I believe it important not only for artists themselves and their development in this sphere but, also, for the country itself, the saving and future development of culture and its history