Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Modern Concept of Hospitality

At the present stage, the world hotel industry is formed by approximately 350 thousand comfortable hotel enterprises. The room fund is more than 14 million rooms (~ 20 million beds).

Every year the number of rooms is increasing by 3-4%. The leading place in the hotel industry is occupied by Europe, the hotel fund of which is 45% of the world.

The growth rates of the hotel industry differ by region: Europe - 2-2.5% per year (45% of the world hotel stock)

USA - 3-4% per year (30% of the world hotel stock)

Asia - 15-20% per year (14% of the world hotel stock) Africa -10-12% per year (3% of the world hotel stock) Australia and Oceania - 3-4% per year (3% of the world hotel stock). The leaders in the number of hotel rooms are:

  • USA - 3.5 million numbers;
  • Japan - 1.65 million numbers
  • Italy - 1 million numbers;
  • France, Spain, England, China - 0.5 million numbers each;
  • Austria, Mexico, Canada, Greece - 0.3 million numbers each;
  • Thailand, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia - 0.15-0.23 million numbers;
  • Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina - less than 0.15 million numbers.

The leaders in terms of growth of hotel enterprises are China, Malaysia, Spain, Germany, Argentina and Singapore.

The tendencies in the development of hospitality enterprises in recent decades are:

  • deepening the specialization of the hotel offer;
  • formation of international hotel chains;
  • the process of globalization;
  • development of a network of small businesses;
  • introduction of computer technologies.
  • deepening the specialization of the hotel offer

For hospitality enterprises the characteristic is associated with the emergence of specialized enterprises with limited hotel services. In the hospitality industry, specialization manifests itself as a deepening focus on serving specific customers, as travel goals are constantly expanding and changing. It is they who form the main characteristics of hotel services: prices for services, location of the enterprise, comfort of the room stock, room equipment, etc. For example, the segment of tourists is for business purposes, requires increased service, a wide range of additional informational services.

Creation of international hotel chains

Deepening the specialization of the offer of services for the hotel industry is closely related to such an important trend as the creation of international hotel chains.

An operating chain (network) is a group of enterprises carrying out a collective business under the direct control of the chain management.

The concept of an international hotel chain originated in the United States in the late 50s of the XX century, was to use the advantages of the image of trade brands as a marketing tool, which helps to promote goods in the domestic and foreign markets. Unlike in Europe, where the tradition was to combine the functions of the owner and manager of the hotel business, in North America, thanks to the development of franchising concepts, these functions have been separated.

The International Hotel Association (IHA) divides hotel chains into three groups:

  • the first is corporate chains - hotel corporations with a large number of enterprises;
  • the second is a chain of independent businesses that come together to use a common booking system, marketing concepts, advertising and other services;
  • third - chains of management services.

Combining enterprises into hotel chains makes it possible to:

Integration of sales strategy and marketing efforts of chain members through the promotion of a joint brand.

Development and implementation of a common logo and trademark. Application of direct marketing, promoting the brand of an individual hotel as a member of a local hotel chain.

Participation in exhibition activities with a centralized presentation of chain members.

Study of consumer needs and potential demand for each individual hotel enterprise through the formation of:

• uniform programs for a regular guest;

• common bonus programs with airlines;

• single offer no packages

• special promotions and programs.

К Creation of comprehensive consumer loyalty programs by:

• management of sales channels, providing the opportunity to use

the only corporate contractual base;

• optimization of the profitability of the room fund by revising the package placement

optimization of demand through a unified presentation and promotion through the channels of Internet resources;

• centralized presentation in the international Computerized booking system;

For an enterprise, a franchisee means a real opportunity to effectively develop a business, and for consumers it guarantees a high level of service quality.

The legal relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee is secured by the conclusion of an agreement. The contract may relate to the operation of enterprises in a specific geographic region or market environment, the number of enterprises covered by franchising, etc.

In each franchise agreement, the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to use its own brand name, technology and methods of operational management, a reservation system, worked out procedures, a discount system, etc. The usual condition is Srst in the franchiser's market strategy, as he is interested in tormenting his market network of new members. For this purpose, it develops specially prepared documents for interested parties, the most important of which is the "Statement of Conditions".

"Statement of Conditions" refers to the qualifications of the management of the franchisor enterprise and its financial stability and directly determines the issues of franchising by:

- The essence of the relationship in the event of a contract;

- Assistance from the franchisor to the franchisee in specific matters;

- Additional equipment (equipment), but is obliged to purchase the franchisee, etc.

The most important element of the franchise agreement is the negotiation of payment. In foreign practice, they use such forms of payment as an entrance fee, deductions or annual fixed soars. The structure of common franchise payments depending on the franchisor.

The globalization process in the hospitality industry

The basis of globalization is the growing role of tourism in the world economy, the internationalization of production, the institutional form is transnational corporations (TNCs). A transnational company consists of enterprises located on the territories of different states and legally related to each other in such a way that they are subject to a single strategy of activity. The basis for the functioning of TNCs is the concentration of production and the centralization of capital.

Modern features of the globalization of the hotel industry are:

Strengthening the role of international tourism as a form of cooperation between countries, which is a manifestation of globalization, and tourism has the most H ', high growth rates among all sectors of the economy. An important component of international tourism is the international hotel industry, which has emerged as a result of the establishment of the importance of hotel chains in many countries of the world;

  1. Focusing on the issues of choosing forms of ownership and methods of managing hotel enterprises;
  2. socio-cultural differences and language problems in foreign markets must be taken into account when forming strategies for internal and external marketing.

Development of a network of small hotel enterprises

Interest in small forms of hotel business is associated with changes in consumer priorities. Small hotel enterprises better adapt to the requirements of each consumer, create a favorable atmosphere for staying, which does not exclude the introduction of national flavor into everyday life, i.e. the principle of service personification is implemented.

In addition, small hotel enterprises use a large system of discounts and the cost of living in them is cheaper than in large hotels of a similar category. All this allows the small hotel business to take a strong position in the hotel market in different countries.

However, having a small capacity, hotels have corresponding sales volumes. In addition, the share of variable costs in the structure of the turnover of hotel enterprises significantly increases, since with the inevitable volume of purchases it is difficult to adhere to optimal prices for various goods. Difficulties arise in the personnel sector of small hotel enterprises, since the staff must be able to perform a wide range of work.