Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

“In Another Country” Was the major brave? Why do I think so

“In Another Country”- this is a story about the war and the people for whom it ended. They are forced to leave the battlefield due to injuries. The main character has a damaged knee. In peacetime, he was an athlete, played football. There were a lot of such people, they hope to recover and return to their former lives.

In the center of the story of Ernest Hemingway, a young American who during the First world war gets to the hospital and there meets the same soldiers. One of his new acquaintances is a major who was lost during the war his wife. He is sure that a man should never marry at all. Believes that getting married automatically puts at risk not only yourself, but also your family, for which he is responsible. A person "must find something that cannot be lost". This becomes the basis of the story.

Hemingway's style is very brief. The main theme for a very long time was the theme of " the lost generation". It tells about the lives of people who fought in the First world war and they came back completely different. They were no longer needed. But his characters are not afraid to appear weak, they don't hide from problems and really accept life like this, what it is, along with all the difficulties and trials.

if you compare the characters of Hemingway, for example, with the characters of Remark, they are more courageous, overcome difficulties. They have no specific goal, only experience of participation in the war. Loneliness-that is the main feature of them. They can't go back to their old lives.

Interestingly, the work of Ernest Hemingway is closely connected with the Russian classical literature. The American writer's idol was L. N. Tolstoy. "I don't know anyone who wrote about the war better than Tolstoy," said Hemingway. He really liked the novel "War and peace". He loved it for its true descriptions of war and people. Hemingway himself was a participant in the First world war. What could not be reflected in his work, it was a school of life. The main principle of Leo Tolstoy's work is to reflect the truth of life. Art does not tolerate insincerity and falseness. But in contrast to Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway showed a large, common vision through the life of one person. Here is what literary critics said when comparing the work of these two great writers: "I can't think of Hemingway without Tolstoy" or " at the bottom of Hemingway's creativity, Tolstoy's light is visible".

Another Russian writer whom Ernest Hemingway admired was I. S. Turgenev. It is close to the image of the psychological portrait of the hero through details, such as appearance or language.

All this speaks to the relevance of the themes that Ernest Hemingway raises in his works in our time.