Автор Анна Евкова
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Write about the fate of Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens's novel is set in 19th century England. There is poverty, theft and cruelty. the main character is an orphan boy, Oliver Twist. He had a hard time of it. The world and reality around the hero were brutal, but he managed to keep the good in him. Author of the novel "the adventures of Oliver Twist" Charles Dickens I wanted to show the real life of thieves, this is what he says in the Preface to the novel. This was the first work about the life of thieves at that time, he did not hide the dark side of these people's lives in his work.

The novel describes the biography of Oliver Twist from birth. His mother dies in childbirth and the boy spends his entire childhood on Mrs. Mann's farm. Next to him are the same children who were left without parents. Charles Dickens calls these children " young violators of the law". The author tells how young Oliver got to work for the undertaker through the workhouse, and was expelled just for asking for more porridge. Because of these difficult conditions, Oliver decides to escape to London. On the way, the hero meets Jack Dawkins, who leads him to Feigin. They make him steal there. Jack doesn't care that this is just a small child and uses it in his dark deeds. Dickens idealizes his hero. In the most difficult moments of life little Oliver comes to the aid of kind people. And the author helps him to pass all the tests.

However, Oliver's life changes for the better. He begins to live with Mr Brownlow. The man adopted Oliver and took care of him. There were a lot of books in his house. His foster father introduced Oliver to reading, which undoubtedly enriched him. But a very difficult road led to this happy end of the hero. The author realistically shows both dirty dwellings and fear for their lives.

After reading this novel, we conclude that the romantic and luxurious life of thieves is a fiction, and kindness remains the only way to success. The author reflects on the fact that the existing unfair laws contribute to the achievement of happiness only for the chosen, and poor people suffer humiliation, insults and deprivation.

The second question that Dickens poses to his readers is what influences the formation of a person? Social background and upbringing or the environment in which the child grows up. And answers this question as follows: in conditions of severe poverty, theft, you can remain kind, responsive, show empathy and help those in need.

Despite the fact that Oliver grew up in a working-class home, his speech and behavior are noble. He's a gentleman. The environment could not spoil the noble breed in it. at the end of the novel he finds relatives and his suffering and privation ends. The author does not focus on the living conditions of the poor. For him the problem of other people's indifference to the poor is important. Of course, the work of Charles Dickens does not have the same impact on the modern reader as it did in the 18th and 19th centuries. We think it is very affected, but it is easy and pleasant to read.

In the epilogue Charles Dickens does not tell about Oliver's life in the new conditions. The most vivid, though very difficult period of the hero's life has ended.

I really liked this novel. Although it is very difficult to read about the difficult tests that a small child overcomes. But this work teaches you to be kinder and more responsive, which is very important in our time.