Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

I think that yes, it prevents you from achieving your dream, this fear will prevent you if you do not defeat it

fears are different for someone they are small and for someone they are colossally large as you said earlier, you must defeat them in order to achieve success in your life. For example fears are such fear of bees although this person works as a beekeeper fear of heights although he works as a pilot or fear of clowns although this person works with children. I was afraid of a bee in childhood because he bit me when I watched calmly how football is played in the yard. But over time, as I grew older, this fear passed and now I'm not particularly afraid. Even celebrities have their own fears, which are very funny and they are ashamed to talk about it, but they were able to reach their heights of their dreams despite their fears.
for example, Michael Jackson had a fear of being killed. Another example of the popular actor Dwayne Johnson's fear of losing his child. You see, not only ordinary people have fear, but also popular actors who earn millions and live a luxurious life, so you need to remove virtually all fears from your life. So that it helps you move on and train and so that there is a result in the future and boldly say I overcame this fear that I once had.
so I think there is no need to be afraid of anything in this world, it will be for your benefit. And in general I think that you need to be able to overcome fears and never give up, because this means that you are a strong person who can achieve your dreams and your goals and heights that you wanted from childhood.
so just believe in yourself, you will succeed, since Hollywood actors succeed, then you will succeed.