Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

​​​​​​​«How would you describe Jimmie Langton? Dwell upon his looks and typical behavior. What were the circumstances of Jimmie and Julia’s acquaintance?»

Of course "Theatre" is the next novel which explores relationship of the characters who belong to the world of drama and who imitate human emotions artificially. W.S. Maugham was a great lover of art and he produced many outstanding plays. 

Clearly, Jimmie Langton was the head of the troupe in the theatre at Middlepool. He helped Julia to develop her talent and to become a good actress. Also  Michael and Julia met each other in his theatre.

In addition to it, Jimmie Langton was an experienced, practical and eccentric man, who attracted a good deal of attention due to his running a repertory theatre. As you know, Jimmie Langton, a fat, bald-headed, rubicund man of forty-five, who looked like one of Rubens' prosperous burghers, had a passion for the theatre. He was an eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, vain and charming fellow. Besides, he loved acting, but his physique prevented him from playing any but a few parts, which were fortunate, for he was a bad actor.

Particularly, he was well enough known in the theatrical world for her to be flattered by the compliments he paid her, and when he asked Julia to lunch with him next day she accepted.

Furthermore, his boisterous, emotional and shrewd character made the actors work their guts out to fulfill their ambitions and achieve success. In other words, he was a real pro in this sort of profession, he jumped off a page and opened up the windows of opportunities for his performers and the rousing renditions of his plays were in the limelight and well-spoken.

Truth be told, gifted minds also can be corrupted and twisted. That clever little trick he has pulled off with Michael was atrocious. He simply let Michael down to get rid of him as he was not up to the mark. Moreover he made him ridiculous in the eyes of American producers. His deeds were downright repellent.

To sum up, he acquired a reputation of a cad, as I figure him to be as vain as a peacock. He is a man who can do a justice to those who can't be of his service and do not worry his head about something, except himself.

As a result, Jimmie was sure that Julia could become a world theater star, and Michael was an impediment for her. At the end of this part Jimmie tried to solve this problem. He advised his American partner to sign a contract with Michael, though Gosselyn wasn’t more than a mediocre actor. Of course Jimmie didn’t say truth about his role in this history to Julia.