Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How should you use your time?

I only get 24 hours every day, and while there are plenty of ways to wring more out of the time I have, there isn’t a way to get more of the stuff. But no need to worry—I have plenty of ways to use the time to have better. Here are 3 of them!

1. Slowing down to get more out of my time may seem counterintuitive, but when i actually slow down, i will find that what to do becomes a lot more meaningful.

2. Take the time to think about what i really, truly care the most about and then invest my time in what i care about. This seems like simple advice, yet hardly anyone does it. A lot of people wing their way through each day, not thinking about whether how they’re spending their time will produce meaningful results.

3. Every work day I’ll spend: 7.6 hours sleeping, 8.8 hours working, 1.1 hours eating, and 1.1 hours doing chores around the house, leaving me with about five and half hours left over for doing what I want to do. And these figures don’t include investing time into your relationships, caring for others, or any other commitments you have already.

I start every day with 24 hours, but once I subtract all of commitments from that, I am not left with much. When I constantly remind myself how little time I have, I light a fire under myself to make the most out of my time. I start to say “no” to commitments that don’t mean much to me. I bring more energy and drive to your work. I become more defensive of my free time, and make the most of it.

Knowing just how little time we have will let us put the time we do have to much better use.