Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Government regulation of the Russian economy

I believe that any market economy cannot exist and function without state regulation. Uncontrolled market processes are destructive to society and nature. Therefore, market economy, more than any other, needs regulation.

The role of the regulating centre can be performed only by the state - the institute representing all society and having the right to interfere in economic relations. The task is to find the optimal measure and the most effective forms of state regulation of the economy, which, without destroying its market nature, at the same time would ensure the maximum social efficiency of market economy. It is clear that the endless change of specific circumstances turns this task into an "eternal" problem.

State regulation of economy - the process of state influence on the economic life of society and related social processes, in the course of which the economic and social policy of the state, based on a certain doctrine (concept), is implemented.

Especially necessary is state regulation in the spheres of natural monopolies. In the Russian Federation, the system of regulation of monopolies is only being formed and provides only for a complex impact on production volumes, pricing processes and product quality in a predetermined area, or functional impact on certain aspects of economic activity.

The possibilities and limits of the effectiveness of state regulation cannot be accurately quantified, I agree with the opinion of the author already because they have many indicators. Many manifestations of state regulation efficiency, such as social stability in society, do not have unambiguous quantitative parameters at all. Besides, it is practically impossible to single out the contribution of each of the three 'layers' of the economic mechanism to ensuring acceptable rates of economic growth, increasing employment or improving the efficiency of public production. As a result, only some qualitative assessments of the efficiency of state regulation can be offered.

In my opinion, state regulation as a whole has certainly proved to be highly effective. At the same time, the effectiveness of state regulation is not infinite, for example, it cannot overcome the cycle of capitalist reproduction, which causes a lot of serious economic and social problems in the downward phases of the cycle (crisis, depression). For long periods it is unable, despite all efforts, to provide an acceptable, socially tolerable level of unemployment, let alone full employment. This was the case in the last two decades of the 20th century, when shifts in the technological base of production and intensification of world economic competition in the West led to a shutdown of production and a reduction in the number of jobs in a number of industries and an acceleration of the replacement of live labour by labour embodied in additional elements of fixed capital (machinery, equipment, etc.). Unemployment, which has fluctuated between 10-12% and more in most Western countries over the past two decades, has steadily worsened the problem of financing the social insurance system and maintaining it at the achieved quality level.

In conclusion, I would like to say that state regulation is particularly important for modern Russia. After decades of total diktat of the state in the economy, there are opinions about a complete rejection of state interference in the economy. Apparently, the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. That is why the world experience of state regulation of the economy is important for Russia, and it is necessary to study it.