Автор Анна Евкова
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fate of Oliver Twist

The English writer realist Mr. Dickens in the novel "Oliver Twist" fully opens a problem of distress of mass of people. Through history of the main character — the child and people surrounding him — the writer depicted the fate of the English people destroyed, forced to survive by means of a lie, theft, force.

The hero of the novel Oliver was born in a work-house that initially carries it to a class of the deprived. In work-houses 30 — the 40th years of the 19th century by the English legislation such mode was set that turned them into "The Bastille for the poor". The sickly, exhausted, eternally hungry children who are not living and trying to survive grow in them. The fate of such weak children as Oliver, was predetermined, and only the miracle could save them.

Any attempt of a protest is cruelly suppressed and punished by tutors. "Obstinate" Oliver, for example, becomes one of candidates for the gallows as dared to ask additives of liquid gruel. He is subjected to solitary confinement, cruel flogging, and then tried to be given to the despotic chimney sweep who already killed to death several boys, and to the coffin maker.

In the second part of the novel Oliver, having escaped from the owner, receives new lessons of life in London where it is surrounded by criminals — gang of thieves. The buyer of stolen property Feygin, the robber Sayke, the prostitute Nancey and ominous "gentleman" of Monks are engaged in young Oliver's education now. They try to force the boy to be engaged in thieves' trade, but Oliver showed backbone and refused to participate in mean inventions. However Nancey who is brought up by the criminal world kept warm soul, it protects and helps Oliver.

On happy combination of circumstances on a course of life of the boy the old good-natured person Mr. Brounlou (subsequently it becomes clear that he was the father Oliver's friend), who shelters it meets. Without thinking of the benefit, Mr. Brounlou helps the child to whom designated the gallows in a work-house, and then becomes his adoptive father.

Mr. Dickens understood himself the writer-preacher therefore he idealized the heroes a little. So, Oliver Twist is kind, truthful, virtuous, and no dirt of the world around can soil him. And the kind people meeting on its way are a peculiar award to the boy for devotion. And Mr. Brounlou is the first unselfish savior of the orphan whom subsequently Oliver came to love very much.

Dickens is strongly interested in the fate of the hero and forces us to worry, empathize his adversities and pleasures. On the last pages of the novel there is some raid of grief though Oliver's life got better, it found the house and the loving family.

The aspiration of the writer to a celebration of justice is traced in many works, but the novel "Oliver Twist" is considered one of the strongest works as in it the sensitive issues about social and moral wellbeing, about lawlessness and mockeries over children at schools, about sufferings of the poor people in work-houses, about the criminal world of London are brought up. Moral impact on the reader — here the purpose of creativity of the English realist of the 19th century.