Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

I think this question has no monosemantic answer. This is all up to you.

As for me, I think it will not change my life, because most of the time I work. I use internet just for studying and working. But, maybe sometimes this could freak me out when I download my textbooks, audio of videos. However, to be serious, internet is a cool thing, but this is not a life. Sometimes I want just go to a village, any village, buy a house and just “turn off” the whole this world. All this internet world makes people sick, we all need some days off. Yes, days off, like its a job. This is a job for our souls, what do we do for them? We all need to listen to our voice from inside, what do we really want? And if we listen – we will notice that slowing down the Internet would decrease stress, and this is just a little part of its effects: families probably would stay together, divorce would not exist, because they will try to enjoy with each other, play games, etc. This what I wrote is just a little part of effecting.

Let us think global. Slowing down the internet will make a lot of companies work slowly, online stores will be slowly, airport check-in probably will be slowly too. What does this mean? Our lives will slow down. Internet influence on our lives, but does this mean that it became our life? This is another question.

So after all these thoughts, my answer is: first of all, of course it will increase stress, maybe even suicide, but just after some years we will be so calm, as we have never been.