Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

Nowadays, in big towns streets, shops, offices are lousy with people. Everyone hurry up to work, studying, home, etc. That is why we are annoyed by slow queue, long traffic jams, crowded places, etc.Our life the same as a competition. We are afraid to be late, to lose in life race. People love speed and hate waiting.

Clearly, that the slow Internet irritates us. Look, we have to write a quarterly report. For this we are searching for data in bases, working with the special programs, collect the information from the company site. And of course we need the perfect Internet. And now, let’s imagine: your boss is furious and requires a report from you, Internet is slow and programs do not work… I’m sure you’ll panic.

Another example, you are playing online computer game, do some options for a given time and you close to be winner… but the Internet speed drops and you lose. I do not know about you, but the gamer will be in a rage.

Also you can work with online bank, to pay for something or transfer money. If the Internet will be slow or even interrupt, you can lose your money. Everyone is afraid of losing money and will be very nervous in this situation.

Many people will agree with me that at such life it is not far from the stress. Thus, situations like this, only upset us. So I can say with confidence that slowing down the Internet will increase stress in our life.