Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you like the story? Why?

This essay will consider William Somerset Maugham’s literary work “The creative impulse”. This work show the success of the woman who wrote the first detective novel. Many people think that this work “The creative impulse” is extremely witty and show the social problems of the time. However, other do not agree. It is generally today that Maugham’s literary work accurately shows people who want to be involved in someone else’s glory.

In my opinion, this work can definitely be call witty and thought provoking for a number of reasons. Let us consider what the advantages.

The first thing that needs to be say is that even the most different life changes seem catastrophe. However, these changes can lead success. Moreover, the writer showed that a negative. Event can serve as a source of inspiration, which after a moment turns into a new stage of life. This stage brings only prosperity and success. Fortunately, this is what happened to the main character. Forester who survived the betrayal and was able to overcome the troubles. She wrote a detective story that brought her wore wide fame.

One should note here that Maugham’s story owned upon such a social problem as people who want to parasitize on another person. William Somerset Maugham shows people who hide and profit behind the mask of love for art and beauty. They for will prose and flatter human for a carefree life. However, they do not feel grateful to people who give them the opportunity to spend time in high talks and lead an ideal lifestyle.

To draw the conclusion one can say that Maugham’s story makes fun of all parasitic people who want to be closer to success and fame. The most importantly. The writer showed that any circumstance could lead to success in art, literature and other fields. This is call creative impulse.