Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement it is wrong to tell a lie

There is such an expression as "white lie". However, I believe this is a false statement. A person cannot lie for the sake of a good deed, what is the use if it is based on a lie? There is also a saying: "Better a sweet lie than a bitter truth." However, all people are different, and if someone has a sweet lie affectionately lying on the soul, then for someone it is better to immediately hear a bitter lie. No matter how a person wants to hide a lie, it will surely be revealed someday and become known to everyone. Because the secret always becomes apparent, no matter what efforts we make in order to hide it. When a person lies, he loses his inner peace, the feeling of anxiety and guilt constantly haunts him. A person every minute worries that his cunning can become known to everyone. Such processes negatively affect our health and psychological state. In addition, our lies often develop into a long-term legend, in which all your untrue words are lined up in a chain. But it will be very difficult to break this chain and bring everything back, so before your first crafty phrase you need to think about the terrible consequences that can arise from this little trick. In my opinion, the lie gets a particularly negative color during relationship building. Whether it's friendship or love, or trust between parents and children. Such relationships should be built on trust from the first brick. Lies also affect the attitude of others towards us, our reputation in society, in which we are almost constantly. Therefore, you must always remember that if you want to have a good reputation in the team, you must always speak the truth and be honest with others. In order for the world to become kinder and fairer, we must begin to change ourselves from the inside, then all the small links of our society will be filled with goodness and truth.