Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Social networks: advantages and disadvantages

Modern life can no longer be imagined without the Internet. Very few people left who do not have an account in a social network. In social networks there are both great benefits and considerable harm. The advantage is that with the help of social networks, people can find their friends, classmates - all those with whom they have long lost touch. This is a good way to communicate online, at absolutely any distance, even if you are thousands of miles away from each other. You can chat on Skype with your friends or close relatives. Thanks to social networks, you can gain a new, interesting acquaintance. You can learn various foreign languages ​​for this, social networks will also be useful. You can learn something new, do something with your own hands, here you can find various Internet lessons that will help in this.

But along with all these advantages, there are disadvantages of social networks. Due to the abundance of entertaining, superficial and often unnecessary information, the time spent in the social network is significantly increased. Such a pastime can adversely affect our health, since a large amount of information is often tiring and stressful for the nervous system. The hormonal background may also change as a result of dependence on the Internet. The downside is the fact that a person loses the skill of real communication, as he is used to online communication. When communicating in social networks, people often do not follow the rules of grammar and punctuation, use scanty vocabulary, emotions are replaced by emoticons - all of which adversely affect communication in the real world. One more minus is DEPENDENCE on social networks. This is a psychological disorder that can cause various complexes, such as an inferiority complex.

The conclusion is - Internet communication should complement life, and not be the basis of all our activities! Social networks can bring many benefits. But the abuse of social networks can lead to dependence, loss of attention, waste of time, alienation and dullness. Social networks are both good and bad. In order for social networks not to harm the health and psyche, each person must spend their time wisely in the virtual space.