Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Day of Laughter

In the spring, there are many holidays that are celebrated not only in Russia, but throughout the world. One of them - the Day of Laughter. Abroad, it is better known as the Day of the Fool.

This day is celebrated on April 1st. Now this day is not a day off, however, people who would not have joked at someone on April 1st are almost impossible to find. On this day, a merry laugh is heard all over the world, and what is remarkable, very few people are offended because of these jokes, because this is April Fool's Day! Most often you can hear such jokes as "Hey, you have a white back!" and the like, but to believe in these phrases, of course, is not worth it. No wonder in Russia there is a saying: "First April - do not trust anyone!"

In Russia, this holiday was first recognized in 1703. Peter the Great introduced it, taking it from the west. The story of how the king played the townspeople on the First of April is still known. Imagine people when a fire siren suddenly screamed in the city. People were terrified. But it turned out to be just a joke from the king!

Around the world are known not less sophisticated jokes. For example, on April 1, 1915, at the height of the First World War, the French dropped a bomb on the Germans. The Germans fled from it as fast as they could. However, there was no explosion. On the bomb was the inscription: "On the first of April!"

On such a fun note, I finish my essay. And remember that you should not believe anyone on the first of April!