Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Written fixation is an essential feature of a literary language

A literary language is a system of a national language characterized by normativity, codification, polyfunctionality, stylistic differentiation, high social prestige among the speakers of a given language. This is the common language of the writing of the nation, or several nations at once, the language of official business documents, schooling, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture and communication. One of the most important features of a literary language is fixedness and regimentation.

Fixedness (also called codification). Language norms have a codified (fixed) character; otherwise, literary norms are codified, scientifically described and systematized in the literature. Codification is a reflection of the objective language norms in a systematic way in grammars and textbooks of a given language and in various dictionaries, reference books, manuals. The codification of norms creates a basis for their further use and the prescription of such use in the framework of the functioning of a literary language. Language norms are codified in various sources in different volumes and in different ratios, depending on the purpose of these sources themselves. So, in grammars and normative dictionaries they are given in the form of lists of exemplary basic realizations of language units, in textbooks and various kinds of reference books the norms of the language are given in the form of rule formulations, the dictionaries contain systematic lists of strictly required and preferred language tools and their variants. Codification is not an established systematization of the norms of a language once and for all. The codification of literary norms can be changed and updated as necessary. This is connected both with changes within the language itself and with changes in the social evaluation of its means by speakers of the language.

Regimentation. Literary norms are characterized by regulation. The concept of "regulation" means the establishment of rules that determine the order of any activity. With regard to language, its regulation should be understood in the following two interrelated senses: a) imposing a ban on the use of extra-literary means in those communication situations in which they are incorrect and impractical; and b) an indication of lower boundaries beyond which speech ceases to be normative and expedient. Unlike other varieties of the common language, the regulation of norms for the use of linguistic units within a literary language is conscious. This is explained by the fact that society is interested in the cultivation (in the preservation, development, enrichment, improvement) of the literary language, and therefore, of its norms. Therefore, the entire education system, both general and special, as well as higher professional, is based on the norms regulated and codified. They are used by radio and television, theater, print media, etc. state and public institutions.

In conclusion, it can be said that a literary language differs from other forms of the national language by the presence of rules, norms and systematization.