Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

5 Things I Can't Live Without

In my opinion, a person is a creature that can adapt to any living conditions and circumstances. The human body is able to survive without food, water, sunlight, in heat and cold, even in emergency conditions, a person is able to survive. I will try to identify five things that I could not live without.

In the first place, I think, will be the «Love». Everything starts with love. Without love, I don't see the meaning of life. You need to be able to show love in relation to yourself, and then to society. Love is an opportunity to discover yourself. Love is a willingness to see only the good in another person. This is a very unusual feeling. Love is a spiritual state. Love is God. But do not confuse Love for the values of this world, because it destroys our relationship with God.

The second place of our top five will be taken by «Self-Realization». Self-Realization is the realization of a person's potential. Aristotelian himself wrote that happiness is achievable through the realization of its potential. Self-Realization is vital to me. I see the meaning of life-not in life itself, but in achieving my goals, fulfilling my desires.

In the third place will be located «Faith». Faith in yourself first. Self-belief is the basis of positive self-esteem as a person, which gives a person perseverance on the way to achieve goals, strength to overcome any external and internal problems. Faith is the best friend on the way to success. I will give the fourth place to such a wonderful quality as self-improvement. Self-improvement is a conscious and continuous work on personal growth, the formation of various qualities, skills and properties. I believe that pumping my expertise is an integral part of my life.

Well, in the fifth place, I will highlight «Health». Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. I believe that in the complex of these five qualities-I live, I feel alive, I feel alive.