Автор Анна Евкова
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Speech etiquette in English. Formula polite communication



It is impossible to name a linguistic culture in which the etiquette requirements for speech activity would not be presented. The origins of speech etiquette lie in the ancient period of the history of the language. In archaic society, speech etiquette (as well as etiquette as a whole) has a ritual background. The word is given special significance associated with magical and ritual representations, the relationship between man and the cosmic forces. Therefore, human speech activity, from the point of view of members of an archaic society, can have a direct impact on people, animals and the world; the regulation of this activity is associated primarily with the desire to cause certain events (or, on the contrary, to avoid them). Relics of this state are stored in different units of speech etiquette; for example, many stable formulas are ritual wishes that were once perceived as effective: Hello (also Stay healthy); Thank you (from God Save). Similarly, many of the prohibitions on the use of words and constructions, which in the modern language are considered as abuse, go back to the archaic prohibitions - taboos.

In the speech etiquette of almost all nations, one can identify common features; thus, practically all nations have stable formulas of greeting and farewell, forms of respectful treatment of elders, etc. However, these features are realized in every culture in their own way. As a rule, the most developed system of requirements exists in traditional cultures. At the same time, with a certain degree of conditionality, it can be said that the understanding of speech etiquette by its speakers goes through several stages. For a closed traditional culture is characterized by absolutization of etiquette requirements for behavior in general and for speech behavior in particular. The carrier of other speech etiquette is perceived here as a poorly educated or immoral person or as an insult. In more open to external contacts, societies are usually more developed idea of ​​the difference in speech etiquette among different peoples, and the skills of imitating someone else's speech behavior can even be a subject of pride of a member of society.

In modern, especially urban culture, the culture of industrial and post-industrial society, the place of speech etiquette is fundamentally rethought. On the one hand, the traditional foundations of this phenomenon are eroded: mythological and religious beliefs, ideas about the unshakable social hierarchy, etc. Speech etiquette is now viewed in a purely pragmatic aspect, as a means of achieving a communicative goal: to attract the interlocutor's attention, show him his respect, arouse sympathy, create a comfortable climate for communication. Relicts of hierarchical representations are subject to these tasks, for example, the history of the address. The lord and the corresponding messages in other languages: an element of speech etiquette that once arose as a sign of the social status of the addressee, subsequently becomes a nationwide form of polite treatment.

On the other hand, speech etiquette remains an important part of the national language and culture. It is impossible to speak about a high level of proficiency in a foreign language if this proficiency does not include knowledge of the rules of speech communication and the ability to apply these rules in practice. It is especially important to have an idea of ​​the discrepancies in national speech etiquette. For example, each language has its own system of addresses that has been formed over the centuries. When literally translated, the meaning of these appeals is sometimes distorted; so, the English Dear is used in official addresses, whereas the corresponding Russian Dear is used, as a rule, in less formal situations. Or another example - in many Western cultures to the question. How are you? Should respond: Good. The answer is bad or not very considered indecent: the interlocutor should not impose their problems. In Russia, the same question is accepted to be answered with a neutral, rather, with a negative shade: Nothing; Little by little. Differences in speech etiquette and in general in the systems of rules of speech behavior are the responsibility of a special discipline - linguistic studies.

1. English speech etiquette

  English speech etiquette is a set of special words and expressions that give a polite form of English speech, as well as the rules according to which these words and expressions are used in practice in various situations of communication.

Skillful possession of speech etiquette is a sign of a well-bred person, and good manners, as well as other personal qualities, are highly valued in a decent society. England and other English-speaking countries have not undergone those historical disasters that have fallen to Russia, therefore English speech etiquette has long and very authoritative traditions - any deviation from speech etiquette is perceived as a manifestation of bad manners or deliberate rudeness.

English speech etiquette is important not only for the English themselves, but for all learners of English as a foreign language. English speech etiquette is peculiar and has its own rules and norms, which sometimes significantly differ from the rules and norms, for example, Russian speech etiquette. This leads to the fact that a very cultured Russian may seem impolite among the English if he, speaking to them in English, does not speak English speech etiquette. Likewise, an English gentleman may seem impolite in communicating in Russian with cultural Russians if he is not trained in Russian speech etiquette.

Speech etiquette gives speech courtesy regardless of its content. On the other hand, a clever and meaningful speech will make an unpleasant impression on the listeners if the person giving this speech rudely disrupts speech. Therefore, efforts to learn English will not be in vain if the student of English not only learns to speak well in it, but also learns to be polite and pleasant in communicating with those people whose language he undertook to learn. It would not be an exaggeration to say that English speech etiquette (however, as speech etiquette of any other language) is one of the constituent forces of great art to please and attract people. Consequently, English speech etiquette is of great practical importance and for this reason deserves special and careful study and constant improvement in it.

2. The structure of English speech etiquette

The rules of etiquette reflect the lifestyle of the dominant social group of people. In modern English-speaking society, such a group is the middle class, and the norms of this particular class are to be studied first. But we must not forget that the norms of behavior of other segments of society, as well as the individual characteristics of people's behavior, may differ significantly from the accepted rules of etiquette.

In an English-speaking society, cultural people communicate at three levels of courtesy — official, neutral, and familiar. Each level of politeness corresponds to its own style of speech, and therefore all polite words and expressions can be classified according to stylistic character and, accordingly, are classified as official, neutral and familiar styles of speech.

At the official level of courtesy, polite communication is conducted in a formal setting, when neither age, gender, or personal dignity, but the social status of the interlocutors and the positions they occupy are of paramount importance. The official level of politeness is the norm in institutions, organizations, business circles, in education, health care, services, etc. The social conditionality of the actions, deeds and intentions of the interlocutors is expressed in the style of their speech behavior, which is shaped differently than speech behavior at home, in a friendly circle, or in casual communication with a stranger. Deviation from the official level of politeness in the official setting is perceived as a clear disrespect for the interlocutor and can lead the interlocutors to conflict and even break their official relations. Therefore, one should strictly adhere to the official level of politeness where it is necessary and provided for by etiquette.

At a neutral level of courtesy, polite communication is conducted between strangers, as well as between those familiar people who are not in official or family relationships.

Familiar level of politeness is characteristic for communication in the family and family, as well as between friends and friends.

Let us clarify the presence of levels of politeness and styles of speech examples. Suppose the Englishman has stopped the clock, and he is forced to clarify the time. Turning to a friend, the Englishman will ask:

  - What time is it, Tom? “What time is it, Tom?”

The question “What time is it?” Corresponds to the familiar style of speech and is appropriate at the familiar level of courtesy - in the family, in the family, between friends and friends.

Polite at the familiar level of politeness, this question - “What time is it?” Is not polite enough, and sometimes rude at a neutral level of politeness, when an Englishman addresses this question not to a friend, but to an unfamiliar passer-by.

An unfamiliar passer should be politely asked to:

- Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?

- Sorry, you could not tell what time it is, if you please!

A polite request: “Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?” - corresponds to a neutral level of politeness and neutral style of speech, but at the familiar level of courtesy, in a family or friend circle, please “Excuse me, could you tell me the time , please? ”seems unnatural in tone or artificially pompous.

In a formal setting, at the official level of politeness, the question of time may be completely irrelevant if, for example, a subordinate enters the office with the boss only to check the time with him. However, at the official level of politeness, the issue of time is possible if, for example, the boss offers subordinates to check the hours in order to act coherently according to the schedule, which is scheduled by the minute.

2.1 Formula polite communication in the English language

2.1.1 Welcome formulas.

Basic expressions of polite greetings in English. These expressions will help you say hello, start a conversation, and at the end of it say goodbye to the other person:

Good morning!

Good day / evening!

Nice to meet you!

Hi! - Hello! How are you today?

Glad to see you!


2.1.2 Gratitude formulas.

Gratitude is also an expression of respect in any language of the world. As you understand, these flormyly courtesy voiced gratitude, as well as what should be answered if you are thanked:

Thank you!

Thank you very much!

Thank you ever so much!

Thanks a lot!

Be welcome.

You are welcome.

It’s my pleasure.

Not at all.

2.1.3 Formulas when meeting.

These formulas of politeness in English are intended for acquaintance, with their help you will be able to introduce yourself, give your name, introduce your friend, colleague, etc.:

What is your name?

My name is ...

 Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you, too.

Let me introduce my friend, my colleague ...

This is my friend ...

2.1.4 Farewell formulas.

The basic expression of a polite farewell in English. These expressions will help you say hello, start a conversation, and at the end of it say goodbye to the other person:

Good bye!

 Good night!

Have a nice day!

See you!

See you soon!

See you later!



In the broad sense of the word, speech etiquette characterizes almost any successful act of communication. Therefore, speech etiquette is associated with the so-called postulates of verbal communication, which make it possible and successful interaction of participants in communication. These are the postulates formulated by G.P. Grice (1975), derived from the principle of cooperation underlying all communication. The postulates of verbal communication include: quality postulates (the message should not be false or without proper grounds), quantity (the message should not be too short or too lengthy), relationships (the message should be relevant for the addressee) and the way ( the message should be clear, clear, not contain words and expressions that are not understandable for the addressee, etc.). The violation of one or more of these postulates in one degree or another entails a communicative failure.

Speech etiquette in the narrow sense of the word can be characterized as a system of language means in which etiquette relations are manifested. The elements of this system can be implemented at different language levels: at the level of vocabulary and phraseology, at the grammatical, stylistic, intonational orthoepic, organizational and communicative levels.

  The specificity of speech etiquette lies in the fact that it characterizes both everyday language practice and language standard. Indeed, elements of speech etiquette are present.

in the daily practice of any native speaker (including those who are not very fluent in the norm), who easily recognizes these formulas in the flow of speech and expects the interlocutor to use them in certain situations. Elements of speech etiquette are absorbed so deeply that they are perceived by the "naive" linguistic consciousness as part of everyday, natural and natural behavior of people. Ignorance of the requirements of speech etiquette and, as a consequence, their failure (for example, appeal to an adult stranger to You) is perceived as a desire to offend or as bad manners.

On the other hand, speech etiquette can be considered in terms of language norms. So, the idea of ​​correct, cultural, normalized speech includes certain ideas about the norm in the field of speech etiquette. Speech etiquette is not a rigid system of rules; it is sufficiently plastic, and this plasticity creates a rather extensive "space for maneuver."

List of sources used.

  1. https://studbooks.net/500122/etika_i_estetika/angliyskiy_rechevoy_etiket
  2. https://vuzlit.ru/841282/sredstva_vyrazheniya_vezhlivosti_angliyskom_yazyke
  3. https://englishfull.ru/leksika/frazy-vezhlivosti.html