Автор Анна Евкова
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Salvador Dali (Theatre)


Salvador Dali's full name is Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dali Domenech. The name El Salvador translates from Spanish as "Savior".
Born may 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain.
Died 23 January 1989, there same.
One of the most famous artists in Spain, which has become an integral part of the world of pop culture. He is also a painter, graphic artist, sculptor, Director and writer.
He worked on films: "Andalusian dog", "Golden age" (directed by Louis Bunuel), "Enchanted" (directed by Alfred Hitchcock). He is the author of the secret life of Salvador Dali, told by himself (1942), the Diary of a genius (1952-1963) and the essay the Tragic myth of Angelus millet.
He became famous not only for his creativity, but also for his carefully constructed scandalous image, eccentric behavior and defiant statements both about himself and about the environment. He lived a long, more or less happy life, was married to his one and only gala, which he built into a cult and worshipped until the end of his days.
Features art by Salvador Dali: most famous for its surreal paintings, but worked in different styles — from impressionism and cubism in his youth and ending with Neoclassicism in the later period. He was a Jack of all trades: created illustrations, advertising logos and interiors, wrote memoirs, scripts and works of art, published cookbooks and lithographs. Not shy of borrowing and the many allusions to paintings of your favorite artists — Velazquez, Vermeer, and others.
Famous paintings by Salvador Dali: "Constancy of memory" - the painting "Constancy of memory", written by the great Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali in 1931, is different, like many of his work, a special style and deep subtext, which is filled with many incredible values.
"Constancy of memory" is one of the most famous and reproducible works of Salvador Dali. Because of this, the picture has acquired many folk names: "Profile of time", "Leaking time", "Soft watch", "Hardness of memory", "Durability of memory" — some alternative names for this work.
This work from the moment of its writing to the present day has become a symbol of the variability and unsteadiness of time and space. The theory of relativity, formulated by Einstein, in a special way mixed in the artist's brain with observations of processed cheese, was the idea that prompted Dali to write this masterpiece.
The painting "Constancy of memory" depicts a typical Salvador Dali calm landscape with a small amount of detail, which became the background for the clock, which slowly melt and spread, as if from the heat. This contrast between the linearity of the flow of time and the image of curved and stretched hours create a special semantic mystery of this canvas. The only solid clock depicted in this picture, lie face down and teeming with ants — a symbol of decay and decomposition in the work of Dali.
Almost all of his paintings Salvador Dali left notes in his diary, but the picture "Soft watch" researchers have not found a word. Hence there are several different versions of the meaning of this canvas. Perhaps one of the most original versions is the artist's depiction of his fear of male impotence in the form of soft and shapeless objects., "Face of war" the picture was created on the way to the USA. Impressed by the tragedy that took place in the world, the bloodthirstiness of politicians, the master begins to work on the ship. In the work of the easily recognisable style of the artist, its a clear pattern and method of creating parts, compositional features. But this time the artist refuses the complex, intricate language of surrealism. The meaning of his work will be easily understood by any viewer, inexperienced by the mysteries of other works of Dali. Surrounded by barren desert appears in front of the audience dead head in the eye sockets and mouth posted of the skull, the eye sockets of the skull which are new... And so on indefinitely. Numerous snakes, growing out of the head, bite it. Thus the author tried to portray the senselessness of war, its unnatural and destructive for civilization. Compositionally, the picture is constructed in such a way that the viewer observes the terrible vision - head - out of the cave. The presence of the viewer in the work is indicated by the handprint on the stone. The viewer feels like an integral part of the work, a participant in this Mirage. The work is filled with an atmosphere of suffering and horror. Poor color of the work, muted tones and depressing shades, create a strong sound of the main idea of the work. The painting was a great success with the public and was perhaps the only work of the master, in which the artist abandons his commitment to the complex pictorial language and the unimaginable combination of details., "Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a grenade a second before awakening", "Hypercubic body(Crucifixion)", "Atomic Leda", "Premonition of Civil war".


Salvador Dali is the author of the libretto and design of the ballet Bacchanalia (music by Richard Wagner, choreography by Leonid Myasin, Russian ballet Monte Carlo).


In 1945, in collaboration with Walt disney began work on the animated film Destino. Production was then delayed due to financial problems; the Walt Disney Company released the film in 2003.


Salvador Dali is the author of the Chupa-Chups packaging design. Enrique Bernat called his caramel "Chups", and at first she had only seven flavors: strawberry, lemon, mint, orange, chocolate, coffee with cream and strawberry with cream. The popularity of" Chups " grew, the number of produced caramel increased, new flavors appeared. Caramel could not remain in the original modest wrapper, it was necessary to come up with something original to "Chups" learned everything. Enrique Bernat turned to Salvador Dali with a request to draw something memorable. The brilliant artist did not think long and in less than an hour sketched him a picture, which was depicted chamomile "Chupa Chups", which in a slightly modified form today is recognizable as the logo "Chupa Chups" in all corners of the planet. The difference of the new logo was its location: it is not on the side, but on top of the candy.


1969-1979-collection of Clot, a series of 44 bronze statues created by the artist in his house in Port Ligat.

Early childhood future recognizable everywhere personality

The formation of the personality of the future artist took place under circumstances that almost did not leave him a chance to become someone else-someone more normal and less noticeable. In addition to the impressionable nature that dissected and absorbed all the events of early childhood, he got no less sensitive parents, not alien to the worldview in the key of magical realism.
Little El Salvador grew up in a small but proud Spanish town of Figueres with a long history and ambitions in the field of separatism, characteristic of the lands of Catalonia. In the future, the artist adhered to the monarchical views with unwavering self-identification as a Catalan.
The boy's father was a successful local notary, but his mother-a native of the capital of Barcelona. She could not accept the death of her first son due to illness at the age of two-and the second baby, born 9 months after his death, she considered the reincarnation of the first. Called it as well. All these stories about the dead brother, as well as trips to his grave in the most tender years did not add peace of mind to the already trembling boy.
«He told me about a picture of his dead brother hanging in his parents ' bedroom above the bed. This picture terrified him, because every time he heard the name "Salvador" he did not know which of them was talking about him or his brother» (s) Amanda Lear. In addition, he had a sister, Anna Maria Dali (January 6, 1908 — may 16, 1989), and an older brother (October 12, 1901 — August 1, 1903), who died of meningitis.
However, he was very spoiled. As a survivor, he turned out to be Royal honors, and the artistic nature of the future artist with pleasure got used to the Royal role. Having received at the age of five a carnival gown and a Royal scepter as a gift, El Salvador will consider this outfit appropriate to its position and will put on such clothes, even becoming a gray-haired old man.

Childhood and student artist

Dali was smart, but arrogant and uncontrollable child. Once he started a scandal in the marketplace for candy, a crowd gathered around, and the police asked the owner of the shop to open it during the Siesta and give the boy a sweet. He sought his whims and simulation, always sought to stand out and attract attention.
Numerous complexes and phobias, for example, fear of grasshoppers, prevented him from joining the normal school life, to have with children the usual ties of friendship and sympathy. But, like any person, experiencing sensory hunger, he was looking for emotional contact with children by any means, trying to get used to their team, if not as a friend, then in any other role, but rather the only one that was capable of — in the role of shocking and disobedient child, strange, eccentric, always acting contrary to other people's opinions. Losing in school gambling, he behaved as if he had won, and triumphed. Sometimes he started fights for no reason.
Classmates treated the "strange" child is quite intolerant, used his fear of grasshoppers, shoved him by the collar of these insects than brought Salvador to hysterics. This is what he later told in his book "the secret life of Salvador Dali, told by himself." One of the childhood friends was the future football player of FC Barcelona Josep Samitier.
As for art, at the age of six, the boy shows interest in drawing, and permissiveness plays into his hands: he is not only encouraged, but even allocated a whole room for a workshop, clearing the Laundry from trash in the attic of the house. Here he spent days practicing in drawing the surrounding area and at the age of ten painted the first picture with oil paints in the impressionist style. He began to study fine arts at the municipal art school. In 1916, with the family of Ramon Pisho, went on vacation to the city of cadaqués, where he met with contemporary art.
Four years later, his work is already shown to the public at the exhibition in Figueres, and three years later he becomes a student of the Academy of fine arts in Madrid, where he was educated from 1914 to 1918. Here are fully manifested features that form the basis of future success Gave: in addition to the outstanding ambitions and remarkable abilities, he had a sense of purpose, perseverance and enviable performance: "I did not hang out on the streets, never went to the movies, did not visit his comrades in the Residence. I returned and closed at myself in the room to continue to work alone, — recollected Dali about the student's leisure. - On Sunday mornings I went to the Prado Museum and took catalogues of paintings from different schools ... my Father, notified by the Director and poet Markin (under whose tutelage he left me) that I lead the life of a hermit, worried. Several times he wrote to me, advising me to travel around the neighborhood, go to the theater, take breaks from work. But all was in vain... My inner life was content with this. And all sorts of entertainment disgusted me." In 1921, on 47 year of life from breast cancer mother died Given. For Dali it was a tragedy. The same year he entered the Academy of San Fernando. The drawing he had prepared for the examination seemed too small to the caretaker, as he told his father, and he, in turn, his son. Young Salvador erased the whole picture from the canvas and decided to draw a new one. But his final rating was only 3 days. However the young man didn't hurry with the work, what really bothered my father, which over the years has been through its fads. In the end, young Dali said that the picture is ready, but it was even smaller than the previous one, and it was a blow to his father. Surprisingly, teachers due to the extremely high skill made an exception and took the young eccentric to the Academy.
In 1922, Dali moved to the Residence, a student hostel in Madrid for gifted young people, and began his studies. At this time Dalí met Luis Buñuel, Federico Garcia Lorca, Pedro Garfias. He enthusiastically reads Freud's works. After meeting new trends in painting Dali experimenting with methods of cubism and Dadaism. Despite his passion for work, he still found time to get acquainted and communicate with Federico Garcia Lorca and Luis Buñuel. With the first knitted warm friendship, and with the second joint work in film. Despite the full impact of painting, Dali can not graduate from the Academy. His freedom-loving spirit was closely within the walls of the institution, where the flight of creative thought was limited. He started a confrontation with conservative teachers and was eventually expelled. Instead of studying in 1926, the artist chose to go to, known for free manners, Paris and there to plunge into the world of avant-garde art, having got acquainted with the surrealist poet Andre Breton and Pablo Picasso. Trying to find his own style, in the late 1920s creates a number of works under the influence of Picasso and Joan miró. In 1929, involved with Young people, and the creation of a surrealistic film "UN Chien andalou". Dali's works are demonstrated at exhibitions, he is gaining popularity. And the work "Basket of bread" even gets to the international exhibition in the United States. The main model, which constantly posed for the artist to create female images at this time, becomes his sister Ana Maria. The first famous work of the artist is the canvas "Constancy of memory", which depicts flowing from the table liquid clock on the background of a sandy beach. Now the picture is in the United States in the Museum of modern art and is considered the most famous work of the master. With the assistance of his beloved gala begin to be exposure Dali in various cities of Spain, as well as in London and new York. In 1929 he joined the group of Surrealists organized by Andre Breton.

Dali and his love

In 1929 became a landmark for Dali: he became a member of the surrealist society and met with Gala. Elena Dyakonova, wife of the poet Paul Eluard of Russian origin, was 10 years older than Dali and struck him at first sight. Since her visit to El Salvador with her husband in cadaqués, they had never parted. Their relationship was the reason for the rupture of the artist's relationship with his own sister, did not approve of the Union, but no one and nothing could then come between them. At the same time there is a rupture with his father. The hostility of the artist's family to the gala, related conflicts, scandals, as well as the inscription made by Dali, on one of the canvases — "Sometimes I spit with pleasure on the portrait of my mother" — led to the fact that the father cursed his son and put him out of the house. Provocative, shocking and terrible acts of the artist is not always worth to understand literally and seriously: probably he did not want to offend his mother and did not even imagine what it would lead to, perhaps he wanted to experience a series of feelings and experiences that stimulated in such a blasphemous act. But the father, grieved by the long death of his wife, whom he loved and the memory of which he cherished, could not stand the antics of his son, which became the last straw for him. Later, in the book "Diary of a genius," the artist, being an elderly man, speaks well of his father, admits that he loved him and suffered the suffering caused by his son. However, the couple settles in a small fishing house in Port Lligat, which in the future will grow to a full-fledged residence Dali. Gala takes over the functions of art Manager, nanny, Muse and gives him the opportunity to immerse themselves in the work. Her guardianship bore fruit: it was at this time that Dali wrote his textbook works, such as "the Constancy of memory" (1931) or "the Face of may West" (1935). After Caudillo Franco came to power in 1936, Dali quarreled with the Surrealists, standing on the left, and he was expelled from the group. The answer was: "Surrealism is me." Even for them, the looks and the outrageousness of the Spaniard was too. But he's not needed in the company. He had Gala. In 1933 Dali painted the Riddle of Wilhelm tell, which depicts a Swiss folk hero in the image of Lenin with a huge buttock. Dali reinterpreted the Swiss myth of Freud: tell became a cruel father who wants to kill his child. Personal memories of Dali, who broke up with his father, were layered. Lenin was perceived by Communist-minded Surrealists as a spiritual, ideological father. The painting depicts dissatisfaction with the powerful parent, a step towards the formation of a Mature personality. But the Surrealists understood the drawing literally as a caricature of Lenin, and some of them even tried to destroy the canvas. In 1934, after the divorce of gala from Eluard in 1929, their marriage was officially registered, and in the Church — much later — in 1958.

The peak of popularity

When war comes to Europe, the couple hurriedly leave the Old world and go to the New One, where they will spend the next eight years. In the US Dali becomes popular in all spheres: he writes books, creates illustrations, holds exhibitions, hangs out with the stars of showbiz, and he behaves like a rock star. In 1942 he published a fictionalized autobiography "the secret life of Salvador Dali". His literary experiences, as well as works of art, as a rule, are commercially successful. He's working with Walt disney. The offers were Given to test his talent in the movie, but the proposed project Salvador surrealist cartoon Destino was declared commercially impractical, and the work on it was discontinued. Dali worked with Director Alfred Hitchcock and created the scenery for the dream scene from the movie "Enchanted". However, the scene went into the film in abbreviated form due to commercial considerations. During one of his epochal antics, he was almost seriously injured. Dali had to give a lecture about the unconscious in the gallery "new Burlington", where he appeared in a suit, decorated with the logo of the company "Mercedes-Benz". The suit was complemented by a pair of greyhounds on a leash in one hand and a pool cue in the other. But no one thought about the fact that without a special oxygen supply system, the artist just starts to suffocate, and when it did start to happen, it was not so easy to release his head from the helmet. Had to be brought down from the head literally with a hammer, the sound of which echoed long in his ears was Given. But the audience did not know about the emergency situation — on the contrary, the audience decided that there is a thought-out surreal performance, and applauded the process of releasing the lecturer from the trap. Shock rocker Alice Cooper recalled: "in new York, Dali was always the most welcome guest. Frank Zappa, John Lennon, Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, Andy Warhol, Jacqueline Kennedy could be in the same room, but when Salvador Dali came in, there was a whisper, "Oh, it's Salvador Dali." Before him were in awe, because he was referring to the 1920-ies and was more crazy than anyone else". In 1937, the artist visits Italy and remains delighted with the works of the Renaissance. In his own work begins to dominate the correctness of human proportions and other features of academism. Despite the departure from surrealism, his paintings are still filled with surreal fantasies. Later Dali attributed himself to the salvation of art from modernist degradation, with which he linked his own name, as "Salvador". In 1939, Andre Breton, mocking Dali and the commercial component of his work, came up with his nickname-anagram "Avida Dollars", which in Latin is not accurate, but recognizable means "greedy for dollars." Joke Breton instantly gained enormous popularity, but didn't hurt the success of Dali, which is far superior to the commercial success of Breton. However, the artist was wholeheartedly devoted to his homeland, and despite the fame and limitless financial opportunities in America, he returned to Spain and remains there until the end of his days. In 1965 he came to Paris and conquered it with his works, exhibitions and shocking deeds. He makes short films, makes surreal photos. In the films, he uses mostly the effects of reverse viewing, but skillfully selected objects (flowing water, a ball jumping on the steps), interesting comments, mysterious atmosphere created by the acting of the artist, makes the films unusual examples of art house. Dali starred in advertising, and even in such commercial activities does not miss the opportunity for self-expression. Viewers will remember for a long time advertising chocolate, in which the artist bites off a piece of tile, after which he twists his mustache with euphoric delight, and he exclaims that he was crazy about this chocolate. By the end of the 1960s, Dali's relationship with Gala ceased to be cloudless. Each of them had their own personal life: she had a string of young lovers, on whom the artist closed his eyes, he had a great Platonic love in the face of the model Amanda Lear. His relationship with Gala is complicated. On the one hand, from the very beginning of their relationship, she promoted him, found buyers of his paintings, convinced him to write works that are more understandable to the mass audience at the turn of the 20-30s. When there was no order for paintings, Gala forced her husband to develop brands, costumes. Her strong, resolute nature was very necessary to the weak-willed artist. Gala put things in order in his Studio, patiently folded canvases, paints, Souvenirs, which Gave pointlessly scattered, looking for the right thing. On the other hand, she's always had a relationship on the side, in later years, the couple often quarreled, love Dalí was rather wild passion and love of mine was not devoid of settlement, with whom she "married to genius". In the end, Gala insisted on buying a separate home, and El Salvador, according to its eccentric habit, acquired for her a castle, which he was allowed to visit only upon prior written notice.

Recent years

In the mid-1970s Dali almost ceases to write. Despite this, his paintings are sold at auction for a record amount, making it one of the highest paid in the life of artists. And in 1982 he received the title of Marquis from king Juan Carlos. In the same year, at a very advanced age about 90 years, die Gala. Dali, too, is not young, and he is overcome by disease. He moved to live in the castle of gala and there is rapidly fading from longing for his beloved. Age and disease take their toll: and in 1981 Gave develop Parkinson's disease. Dali becomes suspicious and unsociable. The last years he spent in seclusion In the tower of Galatea in Figueres, next to the established Theater-Museum named after his beloved. There he wrote some of the later works, but the gray-haired, disheveled, barely moving the man has little resemblance to that self-made eccentric, as he remembered his audience. His paintings themselves are simplified, and for a long time they are dominated by the motif of grief, such as variations on the theme of "Pieta". Parkinson's disease interferes with Given to draw. His latest work "Cockfights" are simple squiggles, which guessed the body of the characters. Caring for the sick and distraught old man was difficult, he threw into the nurses that tucked under the arm, shouting, biting. Poor artist adds a fire in which he gets burns to the fifth part of the body, but even that he was able to survive. The paralyzed old man rang the bell unsuccessfully, trying to call for help. Eventually he overcame his weakness, fell off the bed and crawled to the exit, but fainted at the door. Dali received severe burns, but survived. Prior to this case, maybe Salvador had planned to be buried next to Galay, and even prepared a place in the crypt in the castle. However, after the fire, he left the castle and moved to the theater-Museum, where he remained until the end of his days. In early January 1989, Dali was hospitalized with a diagnosis of"heart failure". The only legible phrase he had uttered in his years of illness was"my friend Lorca." January 23, 1989 at 85-m to year of life the artist's heart stopped. Say goodbye to Dali for two days came about twenty thousand fans. He bequeathed to bury him under a glass dome in one of the halls of their Museum to his grave were free to walk around the visitors. And his considerable fortune of almost $ 10 million the artist left his beloved-Spain. Dovetail and cello (disaster series), 1983 Is the last picture painted by Dali. He worked on it in the castle of Púbol and applied in artistic practice the theoretical positions expressed by the mathematician rené Tom in his book "the theory of catastrophes". Dali uses the cello form, attributing it rather a symbolic function of feeling rather than musical sound. In the last period of creativity Dali cello always carries some sad message or, as in other paintings, it is attacked by bedside tables. There is something of a vulnerable human ego in it, and in this picture it is included in the image of the swallow's tail - in the depth of the poetic content it is the defining element of all the descriptions and graphic works performed by him in line with the theory of catastrophes. Thus it connects the two closest points, pain and beauty.

Interesting stories after the death of Salvador Dali

In 2007, the Spanish Maria Pilar Abel Martinez said that she is the illegitimate daughter of Salvador Dali. The woman claimed that many years ago Dali was in the house of his friend in the town of cadaqués, where her mother worked as a maid. Between Dali and her mother there was a love affair, which resulted in 1956 Pilar was born. Allegedly the girl from the childhood knew that she is the daughter of Dali, but didn't want to upset feelings of the non-native father. At the request of Pilar, a DNA test was conducted, for which the hair and skin cells from the posthumous mask of Dali became a sample. The results of the examination indicated the lack of family ties between Dali and Maria Pilar Abel Martinez. However, Pilar demanded the exhumation of Dali's body for re-examination. In June 2017, the court in Madrid decided to exhume the remains of Salvador Dali for sampling in order to conduct a genetic examination to determine the possible paternity of a resident of Girona. On 20 July, the coffin with the remains of Salvador Dali was opened and exhumation was carried out. The procedure of opening the coffin was observed by 300 people. In the case of recognition of paternity, the daughter Gave to be able to get the rights to his name and part of the inheritance. However, the DNA test clearly refuted the assumptions about the relationship of these people. Since 1965, in the main dining room of the prison complex on Rikers island (USA) in the most prominent place hung a picture of Dali, which He wrote as an apology to the prisoners for not being able to attend their lectures on art. In 1981, the drawing was moved to the hall "for safekeeping", and in March 2003 it was replaced by a fake, and the original was stolen. In this case, four staff members were charged, three of them pleaded guilty, the fourth was acquitted, but the original was never found.

List of references:

1. https://artchive.ru/salvadordali
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8,_%D0%A1%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80
3. https://24smi.org/celebrity/4045-salvador-dali.html
4. https://muzei-mira.com/kartini_ispanskih_hudojnikov/1853-lico-voyny-salvador-dali-opisanie-kartiny.html
5. http://opisanie-kartin.ru/salvador-dali/postoyanstvo-pamyati/