Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Would you like to live in a smart home? Why or why not? (that a smart home)

Yes, I would like to live in such a house. I could take an abstruse definition from Wikipedia, reporting that a smart home is called a living room, stuffed with automated high-tech devices that provide comfort, safety and resource saving for all people living in it.

   But such a definition will not create in your head a clear picture of what opportunities open up to a person living in such a house. Therefore, for a moment, let's move forward to the future and imagine that each of us lives in a smart house.

   Morning ... Awakening. You open your eyes and see that the morning sun is trying to break through the drawn curtains. Next to you is a smartphone of the future, which has just brilliantly played the role of an alarm clock. You take it, find the application for managing curtains and bam - they open! The sun makes an attempt to blind you, but the smart glass automatically dims, creating comfortable lighting in the room. The room is neither cold nor hot: the climate control system worked properly all night. You decide what you need to have breakfast, and the smartphone comes to your aid again. It is he who is the center of control of all equipment in your home.

   A couple of button presses - and coffee is already being prepared for you. A few more clicks - and the toaster earned. The refrigerator suddenly informs you that you have run out of cheese and offers to place an order in the online store. You agree with him, and order some more products. While the kitchen appliances follow your instructions, you slowly go to the shower, where the water temperature is automatically set for you (the one that you are always used to) and pleasant music is turned on (of the genre that you always listen to). The light turns on itself the moment you enter the bathroom, and turns off when you leave it. You do not have to press the switch, or even clap. Enjoying a cup of hot coffee, you get a message that your TV has made a selection of the most interesting news for you and is ready to show you. One click of the remote control - and you are already watching the most dangerous moments of yesterday's hockey match, as well as the weather forecast for today. There is a call to the intercom, and immediately on the screen of your smartphone appears the image of the caller. Without breaking away from coffee, you learn that this is a courier from an online store, remotely open all the doors for him and ask him to leave an order at the entrance. He fulfills your request and leaves, after which you, still not moving and enjoying aromatic coffee, close these doors with the touch of a button.

Thanks to such reasons, I would like to live in a “smart home”.