Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My house

My house. Home is a concept for everyone. And it is difficult to say a General concept, like a house, it is not only a roof over your head, but also the heat inside the person. A place where he feels himself and can relax.

My home is my fortress. Until eighteen years old, you live with mom and dad and don't know worries. Your home will always be there for them, no matter what. You are always welcome there, but with certain periods of growing up you begin to help parents, so they can also relax. And over the years, you create your own home and your family. Living in a new place. But more on that later, first we need to understand three:

1. Childhood;

2. Teenage period;

3. Majority.

Childhood is a time of learning about the world and yourself. Parents teach you the simplest way of life that a child can perform. Showing what is good and what is bad. As once they were taught by grandparents. And you find yourself useful and with great pleasure run to help the family at home. Saying: "This is my home forever, I'll never leave here."

Adolescence is a time of change and rebellion. Of course, each person goes through this stage differently. However, in most cases, parents begin to tell you that you are an adult and must help at home. Washing dishes, cleaning the room and so on. Otherwise, you have something taken away, punished or not allowed to walk. And then the concept of home becomes where friends, and the apartment with their parents, becomes hell. And you scream:" I'll grow up and leave, you can't tell me how to live my life."

And here come your sixteenth birthday, you begin to understand what responsibility lies on your parents. How much they spend time, effort and money to make you have everything. The concept of home, becomes warm again and loved. You want to spend more time there, remembering your childhood and start laughing at yourself, which was just a few years ago.

After all, now you have your own family and your home, where all life lies on you. You start to correctly count money and cook my own meals. And the house of parents, becomes again a place of rest with delicious food. Home is where the warmth of the soul and close relatives.