Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Shakespeare's tragedy "hamlet, Prince of Denmark" is famous from the plays of the English playwright. The questions posed by the tragedy are of truly universal importance. At different stages of the development of human thought, people turned to "hamlet", looking for it to confirm views on life and world order.

As a work of art, "hamlet" attracts many generations of people. The power of the tragedy is confirmed not only by its popularity among readers, but also by the fact that for almost four centuries it has not come off the stage.

He singled out the Prince with a black suit that contrasted sharply with the colorful clothes of the courtiers. All dressed up for the important ceremony marking the beginning of a new reign, only one in this motley crowd in mourning attire – hamlet.

Nature, endowed with great sensitivity deeply perceive terrible phenomena that directly affect them. Hamlet is such a person-a man of hot blood, big, capable of strong feelings of the heart. He is by no means the cold rationalist and analyst he is sometimes imagined to be. His thought is excited not by abstract observation of the facts, but by deep experience of them. If we feel from the very beginning that hamlet rises above others, it is not the elevation of man over the circumstances of life. On the contrary, one of the highest personal merits of hamlet is the fullness of the feeling of life, its connection with it, in the consciousness that everything that happens around is significant and requires a person to determine his attitude to things, events, people.

The tragedy faced two concepts of death, two views on it: traditional, religious, claiming that the souls of men after death continue to exist, and the real: the face of death — bones, remains of man. About this hamlet argues with irony: "Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander turns into dust; dust is the earth; from the earth make clay; and why this clay, in which he turned, can not plug a beer barrel.