Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think it is better to live in a big city or a small town? Why? (essay deals with importance of time)

Time is the most important, precious resource that we have. It is the most available and constant resource to a productive person. This essay deals with importance of time management in the workplace. 
Time is life. We all have the same amount of time each day. And that time is valuable. If you can master how you spend your time, you can master your life. There are so many reasons why time management is important at work. Not only is it good for business, but it is also a skill that can be of benefit to the workers themselves. Mainly, by managing your time effectively, you can be more productive at work and have more personal time. It is one of the most sought after qualities for employees to have, and with good reason. As I wrote earlier, everyone is given the same amount of time in a day and it is up to you to make the best use of your time.You have heard it before, ‘time is money’ and it is true. Employers will want to get their money’s worth out of their workers, so be sure to earn your wage by making the most out of your working hours. 
People often get stressed out when they feel they have too much work to do and not enough time to do it. Not only will it waste a lot of time, but it can also be detrimental to your health. Firstly, being a more productive employee will give you more time to improve your quality of work and help you deliver your work on time. Secondly, having good time management skills can also have a positive effect on your life outside the office, it can help to be helthier. As you feel calmer and less stressed out, you will not bring all that negativity into your household which can have a negative effect on your relationships. 
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, time management is important in the workplace, because it reflects not only the quality of work, it affairs the quality of life.

Would you like to live in a smart home? Why or why not? 

Would I like to live in a smart home? That is definitely the difficult question. This essay will consider the pluses and minuses of living in a smart home. 
On the one hand, it cannot be denied that, for example, the unique home of Ian Mercer is amazing. The former Microsoft senior manager does not check the weather. He does not turn on lights, water the yard, or adjust the termostat. He does not open the curtains, answer the phone, or call his children to dinner. He has programmed it to do all all these things for him. I must admit that It is comfortable. 
On the other hand, it is too comfortable and expensive for me. I am in favour of the simple convenience and I cannot imagine myself living at such home. 
Furthermore, we all know a classic film "Home Alone". In the 4th part of the film we can see two sides: "a good side" has a simple and cozy house with the simple convenience, and "a bad side" has a smart house. Do you remember which side did the main heroes choose? Of course, they have chosen the first side. I agree with the main heroes. There is no doubt that I would choose the first side. Nonetheless, there are many modern things I have at home. For example, the laptop, the personal computer, the smartphones, et cetera. But that is enough. I would not like to have a completely automatically house, it is not as interesting as having a simple cozy home. 
To summarise I am against the idea of living in a smart house. From my point of view I would definitely not like this. I prefer a simple comfort, which one warms my soul.

Do you think it is better to live in a big city or a small town? Why? 

Where do we live? Where shall we live? Some prefer to live in big cities, while other like the natural and quiet surroundings in a small town. This essay will consider pluses and minuses of living in a small town and in a big city. 
I live in a small town. Some people say that living in a big city is better than living in a small town, because big cities have a lot of good points. If you live in a big city, your life will be more convenient. Big cities have a lot of department stores, so you can have a wider variety of products to choose from. In addition, even if you don’t have a car, you can get around by public transportation, underground. You also have more features to get a promising job and earn good money. 
From my point of view, living in a small town is better than living in a big city. Small towns also have a lot of good points, such as living in a small town is cheaper than living in a big city. The average prices of goods are more reasonable and the rent for an apartment or a parking space is less expensive. Moreover, I feel more relaxed if I live in a small town. I live in Vladimir and this town known of ancient buildings, churches and rich history. There is a silent and coziness here. Small towns are less crowded, so I never experience the morning rush. Furthermore, I can enjoy the beautiful sceneries, breathe the fresh air, and see a lot of stars at night. It cannot be denied that we have a troubles with finding a job in a town, but progress is moving and you can find remotely work fom any point of the world. 
  Therefore, if I could choose either living in a big city or in a small town, I would definitely stay living in a small town.

 Do you think being efficient is always a good thing? Why or why not? 

People are different. Some prefer to go with the flow, while other storm the barricades. This assignment will examine that to be efficient is always a good thing or not. 
On the one hand, if you are efficient in every aspect of your life, you always get succeed. Moreover, if you even do not get succeed you do not regret anything, because you know you did everything you could, do not you? In my opinion, being efficient is always working hard in any direction of your life. I believe that effective people are always satisfied with their activities despite of the results, because they know exactly that their life have meaning. 
On the other hand, being always efficient is a thankless nightmare, if you constantly try to be efficient, you often get tired, you wnat to give up eveything. Sometimes it is very useful when you just do nothing, when you go with the flow, because if you constantly try to be efficient, one day you can wake up and think: "Why am I doing all of this? What for? I am so tired". I am in favour of doing a break in my activities. I can say that I am not efficient that time when I am doing a break. But then I pull myself together, just do my best, and continue going forward with it. 
To summarise, I think being efficient is not always a good thing. I also agree with opinion that each to his own, but if you always try be efficient, you risk to burn out and even lost meaning of life. I think we all know the phrase, "slow and steady wins the race".